Highs & Lows.

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I rubbed off my sleepy eyes as I struggled to push Ibrahim off me.

We really needed to talk about his sleeping postures.

One day he might just squash the babies and i.

I finally managed to get his leg that was wrapped around my waist off me.

I checked the time and it was 10 a.m

What the?

Why was he still in bed?

It was Monday morning.

After about ten minutes of trying to wake him up, he finally budged.

This guy can sleep for Africa walahi.

"Why are you still in bed? I asked as he let out an outstretched yawn.

"Ughhhh. Why'd you wake me up? I was enjoying my sleep. In my dream we were on a vacation in the Bahamas with our twenty children and ..."

"You're not serious. Who's giving you twenty children?" I said hitting him with a pillow.

"You've already ruined the dream. Party pooper kawai." He said pouting.

"You still haven't answered my question. Why didn't you go to work today?"

He laid back on the bed and stretched his arms.

"Cause I'm on paternity leave." He said with a grin.

"Since when did paternity leave come before the baby eh?" I raised my brows. "Are you sure you're not just looking for a way to ditch work?"

"Nooooo." And he pulled me closer to him. "I just want to spend more time with my beautiful wife. Is that a crime?"

"No. It's not. But the babies won't be here for a few weeks. I don't want to interfere with your work."

"Now I'm hurt." He said crossing his arms against his chest. "If you don't want me here, I'll just go."

"No no babe. Okay I'm sorry. Of course i want you here." I said hugging him.

"Look." He said turning my face to his. "We're in this together. The both of us. You'll always come first, other things later. So first on today's stay at home with your pregnant wife agenda is food." He said pulling me up from the bed.

"You have an agenda?"

"Yeah." He said nodding his head.
"Okay actually I've been researching and asking questions about fun things to do with your wife."

"And the award for best husband goes to you." I said laughing.

"So what's for breakfast?" I asked as i grabbed a chair to sit down.

"Wellll." He said walking towards me. "You don't look like a bad idea."

"Ibrahiiiim." I protested. "Adama might walk in and I don't...."

"Shhhhhh." He pressed his finger to my lips.

I could feel a lump in my throat.

It looked like my whole body was turning into melted sugar.

I gave her the day off. It's just me and you baby." He said winking as he walked away.

I managed to catch my breath.

The things he does to me.

After our breakfast of boiled yam and corned beef sauce.

Ibrahim said he had a surprise for me.

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