Bad & Boujee.

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I can't believe I've already spent three months in school.

Layla, Soffie and I were now best friends even though Soffie still has that crappy attitude of hers but she knows I don't take nonsense.

Nadia and I see each other from time to time also.

It was time for our first semester exam and I've been studying hard cause I didn't want to disappoint anyone.

Today was our last paper and we had already finished and were about to head home when Soffie started walking away from the parking lot.

"Hey soffie! where are you going kuma?" I asked.

"We're supposed to be going home." Layla said opening the car.

"Uhh! you guys go ahead, I just need to see someone." she said.

"So you can't just tell us you're going to see bae abi boo that you've been obsessing over for the past two weeks?" Layla said rolling her eyes at her.

Soffie met this guy one month ago, all we knew was his name, which is Umar. They started dating last week and she's pretty much all over him. She couldn't even read properly, all she talks about is Umar..Umar..Umar!

"Who's taking you home toh?" I asked.

"And what are we supposed to say when we get home ehn?" Layla said.

"Just make up something, he'll drop me off at home" she replied.

"Okay o." we shrugged as we got into the car and left.


Today was my birthday and I was very excited.

Finally seventeen!

If it was in Harry Potter books, I'd be of age by now.

All my friends were back from school. God I missed them all so much, I knew I was going to have mad fun.

One year closer to eighteen, when I'll start driving.


I got so many gifts and Daddy took me out to so many places I couldn't count.

I decided to have a birthday dinner at Blue Cabana with my friends.

Everyone one came and Layla was getting along with all of them except Soffie of course.

That girl has issues walahi, can't she just be nice for once?

We enjoyed ourselves and after the dinner, we all went home.

When I got home, I was about to take a shower when my phone started ringing.

I thought it was the normal call to wish me a Happy Birthday when I saw an unknown number.

My True Caller app displayed the name Amir.

I started wondering which Amir was calling when the phone stopped ringing. The phone started ringing again and I picked after the third ring.

"Hello, please am I speaking to Hanan." the caller said

"Uhm yeah, who's this please? I replied.

"My name's Amir and I got your number from soffie."

"Okay." was all I could say.

I was wondering why Soffie would give a random boy my number.

I didn't want to be rude so I just kept on giving him monosyllabic responses till he got the message and said he'll call me back later.

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