Blood & Wine.

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Hey Guys!
I can't believe it. 1k views already.
I'm dancing Wo rn. 🙆🙆🏃🏃.
Thank You so much Guyssssss!!!!!!
I really appreciate.
Without you, I wouldn't have gotten so far.
I want to say a big thank you to all those who took their time to read, vote, comment and share🏂.
It means a lot to me.
Thank You!!!!
And this chapter is dedicated to everyone!!!!


"what the hell are you doing here?" I asked attempting to close the door.

"Ooh! So feisty babe." He said pushing the door and coming in.

"Have you not heard the Hadith about being nice to guests?"

"And didn't you know about the one that said you shouldn't enter a house you're not invited to, more so a married woman's home."

"Hanan. Hanan. Hanan." He gave me that sinister smile I've always hated. "I can see the bloke's taking good care of you. You look real good." He tried touching my face.

"Don't you dare touch me you monster." I said slapping his hand off.

"Oh, so now I'm an monster? You didn't think I was an monster when we were dating. Did you?"

He moved closer and I took a step backwards. I've already started thinking of how to defend myself. My eyes are searching for a weapon.

"That was the biggest mistake I made, not seeing the sort of douche bag you were and obviously, still are."

He laughed.

"What do you want from me ?" I asked.

"To finish what I started and to take back what's rightfully mine."

"I was never yours to begin with. I only dated you because Soffie convinced me to and I was very naive and stupid that I agreed. Just get out of my house Amir!"

Then suddenly he pinned me to the wall.

"I'm not leaving this house without you Hanan. You and I ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER! But instead you decided to get married to that fool."

"At least he's a hundred times better than you and would always be better than you!."

He pulled out a gun.

"You're going to come with me right now."

I knew Amir was capable of anything and he could pull the trigger any minute.
I was trembling.

"I'm not going anywhere. There's nothing between us anymore. So why don't you just leave me alone!"

He grabbed my neck. I couldn't get his hands off no matter how much i tried. All I could think about was my baby. If he found out, I'm very sure he'd hurt me more but my stomach was trying to give me away.

I felt a sharp pain.

Amir had landed me a backhand across my face and I landed on the floor.

Oh Allah! Ibrahim where are you?"

But I held it in. It was like when I used to have menstrual cramps. I had learnt to shut it out.

He pointed the gun at me.

I was not only scared for my life but for my baby too. His face had hardened and his eyes were red.

"Now now baby, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. I still love you, you know. I just want you to come with me, I'll take care of you."

"You know what? You're crazy Amir. There's no way I'm coming with you. I'm married! In case you didn't know."

He released my neck and I struggled to catch my breath.

"Yes, I'm crazy! Crazy about you baby. I've been waiting for this day to come. I carefully planned it out. When you'll be vulnerable and easy to touch."

He tried to kiss me forcefully and I managed to push him off.
I'm already becoming weak and my head is spinning.
I said a silent prayer for my baby.

"What does he have that I don't huh? Money? Looks?"

"He has a heart, which clearly is something you lack. And the difference is I LOVE HIM!"

He slapped me hard again and i felt blood on my lips.

"I'm the only one you should love. The only one you should have given your heart to. But you chose that idiot! I've been stalking you since that day you ran away..."

What?! He was the stalker?

"I was everywhere, your graduation, your wedding but you never noticed. I chased you that day and I almost got you but you managed to escape."

He's grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me.

"Do you even know I live next to you?"

What the hell! He's our neighbour?

"Please Amir. Stop it. You're hurting me." I cried.
"My baby, inalilahii!"

I felt his eyes change to dark red. I had triggered his anger.

"You're pregnant for that fucker! You let him touch you!" He growled.

He kicked me so hard in my tummy I felt the whole world go round in a second. I scrunched my eyes tightly trying to fight the pain. He continued kicking me till I saw the blood rushing out.

My baby. Wayyo Allah!

"I'm going to kill you and kill that fucker for touching what's mine. After I begged you several times, even just for a kiss.."

I opened my eyes. Pain explodes in my head and I try to fight the pain and nausea, for my precious baby. My eyes dart towards the lamp next to me.
I mustered up all the strength I had remaining and grabbed it.
In a split second, I hit him on the head with it and the gun drops to the floor.
I crawl towards it and we started struggling for it.

In another second, i heard the sound of a gunshot.

My vision becomes blurry and darkness starts closing in. It's consuming me.

The gun drops to the floor and I hear sounds.

"Hanan!" Ibrahim's voice.. Ibrahim's agonised voice.


Darkness.. peace.

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