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I froze in that spot. What is this woman talking about. Then she continued.

"You rejected Ahmad and Sadiya's marriage, now you don't want to agree to Hannatu and my son AbdulMajid. My son is a responsible fine young man.Your daughter has no suitors at this age which is shameful. I told you get her married since she graduated from secondary school but no, you decided to send her to the University. Gashinan Ai, zata fara hada kugu da uwarta because no one wants to marry a university graduate." She said hissing.

I almost dropped what I was holding.

How can she try to get me married to that her arrogant son who smokes and drinks.

Allah ya sawake.

He has no regards for anyone.

The last time I saw him was at my cousin, Hamra's wedding. He was smoking fa. In public?! No shame. And then he'll be talking to people anyhow because he has money. What nonsense!

I stayed to listen to what my dad had to say.

"Hajja" he started. "I chose to send my daughter to school because she has a right to an education and one thing I don't agree with is forcing things on my children, most especially the issue of marriage which is a serious one. Ahmad and Hanan are both adults and are allowed to make choices for themselves so there is nothing like I rejected the proposal. Ahmad already had someone he was seeing so what was the point of forcing Sadiya on him? And as for Hanan, if she agrees to marry AbdulMajid then it's fine but if she doesn't then I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about it. "

My subconscious was doing cartwheels.

"Inalilahii Muhammad" she shouted. "I knew it! That wife of yours has brainwashed you! You don't respect your elders anymore."

She had started crying.

What a drama queen. Always putting up charades.

"That was why I never supported your marriage to her, she has turned you into her puppet, always telling you what to do. You don't even have control over your children. It's a shame."

"I'm sorry if you think I'm being disrespectful to you but don't think you can come into my house and tell me what to do. This is my family not yours. I will not force my daughter to marry your son, period! And as for my wife, leave her out of this because none of this is her fault. You know what Hajja? I think you have overstayed your welcome." he said in an angry tone.

I have never seen Daddy so upset before.

"Lalai Muhammad!" She said holding her chest. "So you're sending me out of your house because of Maryam? Ka kyauta."

"Well you're trying to make my family's life miserable and I won't have any of that cause for them, I'll do anything." He said and stormed out.

He didn't even notice me standing by the door.

Hajja fattu came out, her eyes all red. She shot me a glare and walked past me.

The next day I had escorted Ummi to the airport cause she was returning back to school.

I returned home and Hajja had already left with those bratty kids of hers too. They were just constituting nuisance to our house.

I had escaped seeing her in the morning cause i was very sure that if she was given the chance to stab me with her eyes, she'd have done it already.

I was glad she had left and that daddy hadn't agreed to the marriage.

Not that I was surprised because I knew my dad, he has always allowed us to make decisions for ourselves. He said it made us independent and even if we made mistakes, it should serve as a lesson that we'll learn from.

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