Aunts & Haunts II

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She was the same girl that was talking to Iman during my wedding.

I looked at her from head to toe.

What the hell did she mean by Ibrahim's wife to be?

I was still trying to swallow the anger I felt after waking up to a rude woman banging my door at 8am on a Sunday morning when she spoke.

"Where's Ibrahim? I need to speak to him right away."

This woman was so not getting the point.

"First of all, I don't know who you are, to come asking for my 'husband' this early morning. Secondly, my 'husband' always sleeps till noon on a weekend, so I'm afraid he's unavailable." I said rolling my eyes, she was really getting on my last nerve.

I stressed the word husband so she'd know I wasn't joking.

"I said it daman, the moment Ibrahim gets married to someone like you, he's done for. Even his family members will stop seeing him, all that innocent face that you carry about like you can't hurt a fly, duk karyane. You're just a hypocritical lying, two faced woman."

I stood there like a statue, I couldn't say anything.

Living with people like Hajja fattu had taught me not to let my anger get the best of me.

"Wow, that's impressive! You seem to know so much about me, after meeting me for like 'five minutes?' Well, if you're so eager to see Ibrahim, why don't you head upstairs and wake him up yourself. I'm very sure he'd be delighted to see you this morning." I said taking a seat on the couch.

I knew I was sending her straight into the lion's den as Ibrahim hated being woken up so early if he didn't have work. I had gotten so used to it that anytime I woke up before him, I'd just let him sleep.

I was patiently waiting for drama to unfold as she walked past me towards the staircase, then I heard Ibrahim's voice.

"And where do you think you're going, Bilkisu?"

He was standing on the staircase in his pajamas, his hair in disarray, looking so pissed off.

"Good morning, Ya Ibrahim....."

"And what is good about the morning?" He said cutting her off.

I kept quiet.

That serves her right.

"I'm sorry I woke you up, I just wanted to talk to you."

He stared at her, his eyes widening in surprise.

"It better be very important for you to disturb my sleep this early morning."

She kept quiet and started scratching the back of her head.

"I don't have all day, as you can see my wife and I were sleeping before you interrupted."

"I just need some money ne and Baba said I should come and see you."

"Is that all?"


All these while, I was still sitting listening to the conversation.

Ibrahim was always the nice guy, so I was wondering why he was not being nice to this 'cousin' of his.

I remembered him telling me one time about one of his cousins who lived with them but he didn't like her character.

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