Push & Pull.

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I turned around and it's a she.

I felt relieved.

"Thanks." I said.

"Let me guess. you're new?" she said as we walked in.

"Yeah. what about you?" I replied embarrassed.

She smiled.

"I'm Nadia."

"Hanan." I said returning the smile.

"So what school did you graduate from?" she continued.

"Sky Toppers Academy." I replied.

"Wow. heard that school is full of braniacs. you a nerd?" she beamed.

I just smiled.

"so what course are you studying?" I went on.

"Business Administration and you?"

"Computer science."

"I knew you were a nerd!" she laughed as we walked into the admissions office.

We finished registering all our courses and all the necessary things but we still had to come back tomorrow for orientation.

Turned out Nadia was staying in the hostel and I accompanied her to her room.

I sent a message to Daddy telling him I was at the hostel and he could pick me up there.

We entered her room, there were two beds and Nadia was at the left side of the room. We prayed Zuhr and ate the samosas we got from the school cafeteria.

As we ate, Nadia told me about herself. She was the last born in her family and they lived in Kaduna. Her dad was late and she got a scholarship to study here at our school. I told her about myself. I realised I liked Nadia from the beginning cause she was very nice and fun to be with.

I heard my phone beep and I knew it was Daddy. I packed up my stuff and Nadia escorted me to the car. She greeted Daddy and we said our goodbyes but not before exchanging numbers.

"I can see you've made a new friend." Daddy said while starting the car.

"Ina yini Daddy." I replied putting on my seatbelt. "Yeah and she's very nice.

"That's very good. so how was your first day?" He asked.

"Well" I said laughing "I fell down on the staircase, cracked my phone screen, pushed a door that I was supposed to pull but on the bright side, I made a new friend."

"At least your day was not as boring as the meeting I attended." he laughed.

I told him about Nadia and how I couldn't wait to see her again tomorrow.

We arrived home and I headed to my room to take a shower before going to see Ma.

I knew she was watching Telemundo right now which is her favourite channel.

"Hey Maa!" I said as I hugged her.

"Looks like someone missed me today." she said while pausing her series.

"Of course ma, I can't wait to tell you about my day." I said snuggling up to her.

We laughed about how I tripped on the staircase and I told her how I met Nadia.

I decided to go see my siblings as I haven't seen them all day. I found them in my room sprawled up in bed looking all sober.

"Did someone die?" I asked looking puzzled.

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