Baby & Mama.

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The doctor said that he was fine now and they were going to run some tests on him but for the mean time, he'd be under observation.

I said a silent Alhamdullilah.

We all wanted to stay with him but Salim and Salma had school so i had to leave with them.

Ma stayed back while Daddy went to get some stuff for her.

The drive home was very depressing. We arrived home and everyone just went to bed straight.

After a few days, Al returned home.

We still hadn't got the test results and everyone was apprehensive even though Al was looking a lot better.

Daddy got a call from the hospital and that was when the anxiety became so obvious.

I think Ma broke two plates in the kitchen.

Daddy got back from the hospital and the bomb dropped.

Al was diagnosed with Leukaemia.

We were all speechless.

Ma burst into tears and Daddy kept on consoling her.

After the result, Al started his treatment immediately.

At times, I cried for him cause he was so sick and he lost a lot of weight. He was always in and out of the hospital and had to undergo chemotherapy. He even stopped going to school.

It was a trying time for everyone that even the twins who were always making noise had become so withdrawn.

After a few months, Al travelled to London for an operation; stem cell transplant. Ma and daddy left together with him.

So Ya Ahmad and I were in charge. I'd resumed school after I had completed my IT program.


We were done with class one day and Layla and I were about to head out.

Soffie had stopped talking to us cause she said we were always interfering in her life.

That fateful day, we were the last ones to leave the class.

I was packing my books when my pen fell off, I was trying to pick it up when I noticed Soffie cringing in her seat.

From all indications, she was in serious pain cause she was holding her tummy.

I called Layla and we immediately rushed to her side.

As soon as we got there, she started bleeding.

We tried to lift her up but then she passed out.

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Tutulicious 🌼💞💕

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