Positives & Negatives.

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I could feel the blood draining from my face.

Hajja fattu took me by surprise with her question.

I stood there not knowing how to answer that when I heard Ma's voice.

"Habaa Hajja! meye haka DanAllah? What has this poor girl ever done to you duk kin takura mata? You were married for 7 years before you had your first child, No one ever asked you if you were fertile or not. Please leave the poor girl alone!" Ma said already yelling.

Hajja fattu was dumbfounded.

She looked at my dad and he had a pissed off look on his face, that's when she knew she had crossed the line.

I gathered all the strength i had left to walk away from the table.

Ibrahim tried holding me back but I freed myself from his grip and made my way upstairs.

I didn't know how but I found myself in Al's room.

I locked myself in, heard a knock on the door I knew it was Ibrahim.

"Princess, let me in please." he said.

"I'm fine Ibrahim, i just need to be alone. I'll be out shortly." I managed to say already tearing up ready to start crying.

Al's room felt smaller than usual.

Everything was where it's always been.

Oh Allah! I miss him so much. I pray he's in a better place with my unborn baby being a wonderful uncle.

I sat there on the bed sobbing when I heard a door being shut.

I thought I locked the door and I left the key in the lock no one should be able to get in.

It was Salim.

He got in through their game room.

I had totally forgot the all the guys' rooms had an access that leads them to their game room.

He came in and saw me wiping off the tears off my face.

"Adda, are you crying?" he asked.

"No silly. It's just too dusty in here." I said trying to compose myself.

"Okay! Like it was dusty during your wedding night huh?" he said laughing.

I recalled how I had made a mess of my make up when I was about to be taken to Ibrahim's house.

I was crying like a baby.

I grabbed his neck and started roughing up his hair.

"Yes, its dusty like that night." I said laughing too. "What are you doing here you rat?" I asked.

"I live here duuuhhh! You're the intruder here." he replied.

I gave him a smirk.

"I come here every night." he added. "I miss Al" he said.

I pulled him him closer and hugged him.

"We all miss him so much." I said.

"Adda?" Salim called.

"Mmm." I mumbled.

"Can I talk to you about something?"


"I've been having a problem at school and I don't know how to go about it. I don't want to involve Ma and Daddy. The only person I've been able to confide in is Ya Ahmad and I can't remember the last time we spent time together. He's busy being a 'father and a husband' pfftt." he blabbed.

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