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N.B: This chapter is flashback of what happened in the previous chapter.



I was seated on the chair with my head in my hands.

Who says being a CEO is easy?

I had just returned from a meeting and it didn't go well.

We just lost a major contract and I was wondering what had happened.

Things were going well, they were about to give it to us and suddenly they say they're not interested.

Hamza told me everything was under control and now this.

How am i going to explain this to Baba? He was really counting on me to deliver this project.

As if on cue, i heard my phone ring.

I glanced at the caller ID and it's him.

I hesitantly pick up the phone.

"Assalamu Alaikum Baba."

"Walaikumul Salaam, care to explain how we lost a contract this early morning?"

Straight to business.

"Baba, I.... "

"You told me you were on top of things. Did you leave the whole of the project for your assistant to handle eh Ibrahim?"

I knew Hamza was helping out but i was actually in charge.

"No Baba, i don't know what happened, they were about to give it to us."

"Well, i want you to get to the bottom of this and make sure this doesn't happen again, we can't afford to be loosing contracts."

"In sha Allah Baba."

"Regards to Hanan." he said and cut the call.

How brusque?

What will i do now?

Speaking of my wife, she's supposed to be home by now. I don't want her stressing about work.

I can't wait to go home to her cause apparently that's the only place I'd love to be right now.

Well, apart from the intruder we have.

I rolled my eyes, i don't know why Hanan insisted on her friend living with us.

Don't get me wrong, i don't have a problem with Hanan's friends, they're all nice and what not but Soffie?

Considering her history, i just don't like her one bit and I'm still skeptical about her whole 'i've changed story.'

Anyways, i just have to deal with it.

I hate fighting with my wife, more so since her pregnancy.

She gets really cranky and trust me, a cranky pregnant woman is not one to cross.

I still haven't gotten any call from her, which is weird as she always calls me before i return home.

I dial her number and it's switched off.


Hanan almost never switches off her phone.



As i drove along the busy streets, i hummed along to Eminem's space bound.

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