Soffie & Trouble.

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I stared at Soffie in confusion.

What did she mean by live with us?

"I'm sorry i don't get you Soffie?" I asked still looking at her.

"Han, I know this came at the nick of time and I showed up unannounced. I'm sorry, you're the only one I know who can help me out..." And then she started crying.

"Hey, hey. Calm down Soffie. What exactly is the problem?"

"I don't even know where to start from. Everything is just going wrong. My catering business is not moving one bit, and my grandmother is too old to work. I have to take care of her and Imran. He's about to start school but I have no money to even feed him talk less of sending him to school. His father has been MIA since forever, I just don't know what to do anymore."

"I'm so sorry Soffie, I didn't know you were going through all that. Have you tried talking to your dad?"

"Don't even go there. Baba has warned me not to step foot in his house until I provide the father of my baby. He hasn't for once checked up on me since he sent me off to the village. He doesn't even know how his grandson looks like." She said wiping her tears. "He used to send money to Mama but now he has stopped saying he's tired of taking care of an illegitimate child. I know it's all my stepmother's doing, if only my mother was alive, i won't be in this mess. Now I have no one. No one to help me."

I really felt sympathetic towards Soffie, even though her current situation was all her fault.

"How can you say that? Of course you have me. I'm still your friend."

"I know, that's why I came to you. I just need to stay here for a while before I get a job and I'll move out immediately I promise. I won't cause any trouble."

"I just need to speak to Ibrahim first. What about Imran? Where did you leave him?"

"I had to leave him with Mama, until I get a job."

"Ohh, okay. Just stop crying. Let's go and eat first. Food is ready."

As we ate, I was wondering how to broach the topic to Ibrahim. He was already upset that Soffie was here, So I didn't know how to tell him Soffie was coming live with us. I could feel the tension going on at the table already, Ibrahim was picking his food while Soffie had barely touched hers. I tried so hard to make conversation but I only got mundane replies from him.

At the end, he excused himself from the table, his food only half finished.

I apologized to Soffie and went after him.

I got to the room and he was watching Keeping up with the Kardashians.

I knew he was just faking. Ibrahim doesn't even watch E!, Talk less of the Kardashians. He only watches football, TV shows that had action and sometimes documentaries.

"Baby, Why'd you leave the table like that?" I asked

"I wasn't hungry ne." He replied, turning to look at me.

"Hmmmm. And when did you start watching the Kardashians?" I said raising my brows.

"From today."

"Okay o. I wanted to ask you something ne...."

And before I could complete my sentence, he had already given me an answer.

"No is the answer. I don't trust her."

"Were you eavesdropping?" I asked.

"Accidentally. Look, I get it. She's your friend and all that but I don't think it's a good idea for her to stay here."

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