Chapter 6: All Of Me

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Camila's POV

"Do you like me?" I ask

I just want to know the truth, I hope that she will be honest because I will be glad if she likes me too.

"Of course, I like you as a friend." Lauren said while faking a smile.

I roll my eyes, this time I'm so serious on our conversation.

"As in do you love me?" I ask more serious this time.

I watch her as she swallow her breathe and smile widely.

"I love you, Camila." Lauren said while giving me a fake smile.

I roll my eyes for the second time, I know that she know what I mean.

"You know what I mean." I said as I look down at my lap, avoiding her gaze.

She gently shook her head 'no', "I just missed you in that time." she apologetic said.

I nod in understanding, I don't know what to feel. I just feel hurt and sad at the same time, I don't know why but I think that I'm starting to like her more than just a friend.

"Can you do me a favor?" I ask changing the heated conversation that we both have.

She look at me and give me a warm smile "Yeah sure, what it is?"

"I want you to play All of Me to the guitar." I said as I look at her hopefully that she will agree.

She jokingly think while looking up to the sky, making some meme face. I chuckle at her.

"I will if you will sing a duet with me." She said and I smirk.

"Deal." I said as she pick up my guitar and start to play chord while strumming.

I clear my throat before starting the verse and I can see her smiling from the edge of my eye.

'What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down', I sing as i pour my love to the song.

I try to focus on the song but I can't, all I can watch is Lauren who's struggling to continue to play the song.

'What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright', Lauren sing in her raspy voice which make my whole body adore her more.

I'm shock at her voice, its so sexy and raspy. I never expect that her voice is like that.

'My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine', I sing and about to sing the next sentence but Lauren cut me off by singing the next lyrics.

'You're crazy and I'm out of my mind', Lauren continue

Before she can sing the chorus I open my mouth to continue the song.

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections', I said as I look at her perfect curves that's forming on her waist and butt.

I smile at her whole body image, this song is so perfect for her. Hopefully perfect for us.

'Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning', She manage to close her eyes while singing the song with passion and love.

And when her line end she look at me and I smile at her as I put my hand on her knee.

I saw her inhaling deeply before singing the next line and she begin to stop playing the guitar and just focus on the song that were singing.

'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you', We both sing at the same time and a big grin form to our lips as we finished the chorus of the song.

We just both smile while looking to each others eye, my hand were still on her knee.

As I observe her, I saw her looking to my eyes then back to my lips.

Half of me were saying that Lauren like me but half of me were playing back what she just said awhile ago. 'She don't like me, I should stop it', I said to myself as I broke our eye to eye contact.

"What's wrong?" Lauren ask while putting down the guitar and lifting my chin up to her.

I look to her bright green orbs its hypnotizing me and I can't do nothing but to peck her cheeks and put my head to her shoulder.

"Nothing's wrong." I manage to speak

She put her arms around my shoulder as she place a small kiss on the top of my head.

"Wow, this is so new." I heard a very familiar voice said

Lauren and I quickly turn around to see who is it, and when I saw it. Dinah.

"In relationship or Friends with Benefit?" she quickly ask not thinking what she just said.

I shook my head, "None of the above." I chuckle while turning my full attention back to Lauren, who's busy staring at me.

"Oh, well... I'm here to tell you that our dinner is ready." Dinah said while clapping her both hands.

"Woah, wait wait wait... Did you mean Our?" I ask her confused which made Dinah to roll her eyes

"Yeah, Ally is also there and you can invite Lauren if she wants to." Dinah said hoping that Lauren will notice what Dinah just said.

But, Lauren seems to hear nothing. She's just staring at me while smiling.

"Lauren?" Dinah said while waving her hand in front of Lauren still, she's just smiling while looking at me "Earth to Lauren!" Dinah shout but Lauren is still not even moving.

I laugh at her and in my shock Lauren laugh too, still looking at me.

"Lauren?" I call her, hoping that she will response in my word.

She look at my eye and hum in her response, "Hmmm?"

Dinah jaw drop, "Do you want to join us for dinner?" I calmly ask and she nod her head.

"Yes, its my pleasure.", Lauren said while smiling.

Finally, Lauren look at Dinah and when she saw her, her eyes widen.

"Oh, look its Dinah!" Lauren said while standing up and giving Dinah a warm hug.

I laugh vividly, she's seriously out of her mind.

"Unbelievable! I'm actually standing here trying to get your attention but you don't even notice me for the whole 7 minutes!" Dinah said in a angry tone.

Lauren cringe, "You are?" she innocently ask which make me burst out laughing.

"You know what? Let's go, I'm starving." Dinah said while walking away, leaving me and Lauren left at the lake.

I pick up my guitar and put it back to its case, I'm about to carry it but a soft hands stop me.

"Please let new carry it for you." Lauren said while getting my guitar.

I nod and she start to carry it and I lead her to my grandfather's house. Its 500 meter far away to the lake.

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