Chapter 8: Confession

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Lauren's POV

I try to follow Camila from walking away but I can't found her, Its too dark and Its hard to see everything that around me.

I go first to the field, I gently walk on the middle as my tears started to fall down.

"Camila! Where are you?!", I yell tears are bursting out to my eyes as I think about her missing.

I don't want to repeat the old scenario I do have with my sister. I'm so afraid.

I try to observed the area, if there's any trace of Camila. I saw foot marks down deep to the woods.

It make me scared to be honest, but I don't have any choice.

I follow the foot mark until it lead to my favorite part of this place. The lake.

And there she was, sitting alone to the wooden path. I can say that she just cried because I can hear her sobbing.

"Camila?", I said as I make my way to sit down beside her.

I didn't get a response, not even a hum. As i finally sit down beside her, I put my arm around her shoulder as she lay her head to my chest.

"What's the matter? Did I do something wrong?", I ask in concern

She shook her head, "It wasn't about you, it was about me", She lowly said

"You know, I'm a good listener", I jokingly said and I can tell that I made her smile and roll her eyes.

"I can't, I don't want to offend you", She said. To be honest, my heart hurt on that time because I really thought that she will tell something new to me but I was wrong.

"Is it about the kiss?", I don't know why did I ask that stupid question.

She didn't response and it worried me a lot, is she starting to regret it?

"Don't you want to kiss me?", I ask an another stupid question again.

My heart is burning inside me, it feels like I'm being rejected. Well, worse than being rejected.

She suddenly look up and I notice that her tears are falling down to her cheeks.

And without making any move, she suddenly crash her lips to mine. I was shock I never imagine that she will kiss me.

Instead of focusing on my reaction, I kiss her back. Making this moment perfect for us, I give all the passion that I can add on our magical kiss.

I try to deepen the kiss and I can feel that Camila smile from it so, I continue to kiss her.

When air became a problem, we both pull away. I open my eyes to see the most familiar brown orbs looking directly to my hazel one.

Our forehead are still attached to each other when a word started to come out to my lips.

"Wow", I amusedly whisper which made Camila to smile.

"I hope you got my answer to your question", Camila said while smirking which made me to smile at her. "Can I ask you something?".

"Anything", I shortly reply

"You said that you lied", She pauses for a seconds swallowing her breathe "I want to know what you lied about".

I look at her for a second and I gently pull away my forehead that's resting with hers.

'Is this the right time to confess?', I said as I panicked to myself, I'm not sure about my feelings.

'Oh Jeez, I need to do this'.

"I like you", I quietly said not even looking at her. I know that I'm so idiot to confess right now but I really don't have a choice, she push me to.

I imagine all different scenarios that can possibly happen.

"Is it real? I mean, do you really like me?", Camila ask which made me look at her.

I saw her smiling weakly but you can see from her eyes that she's happy.

Instead of saying any words, I just shyly nod and look down to my lap again.

'Does she like me back?' 'Why she's smiling?' 'Am I that funny to confess?', Those questions are flooding in my mind.

"What at you smiling at?", I ask, maybe it sounds harsh but it ended up a joke to her.

I furrowed my eyebrow and she still continue to laugh. After a minute when she finally calm down an another move of her make my whole body froze.

Our lips collided, it is more passionate than awhile ago. We move in perfect sync which brings some strong butterflies around my tummy.

She put her hands around my neck and goosebumps are coming on my skin. And with those actions, it made moan which made Camila turn on.

We continue to kiss each until it gently turning out to be a rough kiss. None of us want to stop this heated moment of us.

I started to kiss her cheeks, making her gain more air. I left a open mouth kisses down to her neck then going up to her earlobe and when I realize that I'm going too far, I quickly go back to her lips to give her a small kiss and peck her lips before pulling out.

I breathe for a moment, still not opening my eyes. And when I did, I saw her her eyes are still close.

"Does that mean anything?", I ask now wondering what will she reply.

She gently open her eyes and a wonderful brown orbs were now locking a intense look on mine.

She didn't say anything, just looking deeply to my eyes.

I'm so nervous, my mind telling me that she like me back because if she doesn't she wouldn't kiss me for the third time in this day. But my eyes telling me that it was just a mistake to tell her the truth.

She still don't have a reaction, and I know that she will smile if she like it but she didn't. She still don't have any reaction.

I waited a few more minutes hoping that she is now ready to say something.

"I like you too".

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