Chapter 13: Suspicions

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I was shock when I got home, they'll having a conversation in the living room. And when I walk in all their eyes were on me, Did I something wrong? This shit is getting scary.

"Take a sit, Lauren," Mom said which made my eyes to widen, Woah! What's happening in this world?

I quickly take a sit next to Chris, "What's up? Am I in trouble?" I ask which make Chris to roll his eyes.

"I'm in trouble, I failed two subjects and you got a straight A's, unbelievable," Chris said chuckling.

I was about to speak but mom speak first before I can, "We found your sister," My heart fell, why right now? When I'm actually having a good time in my life?

I swallow my breathe and try not to sound annoyed, "Really? Where is she then? In my room?" I ask and dad chuckled.

"I know your excited about seeing your sister again but she's not here," first of all I'm not excited and second I'm not glad she's here, I'm sure she will make my life more miserable than usual.

"How did you found her?" I curiously ask and mom smile at me for the first time in the whole 13 years.

"Well, I was in the girl's bathroom at your school," My heart stop. "And I heard this mystery girl hums and the song she hums is the song that Taylor always hums... Maybe. Maybe she's your sister," Mom hopefully said, and I look at her completely confused.

"Wow, but who is this girl? Do you ever see her?" I ask more and she nod.

"I don't know her name but she's a brunette and... And she's inches shorter than you, I guess," Mom reply, that would be hard for her to found that girl.

"Mom, there's a lot of brunette and inches shorter than me at school, that wouldn't be easy," I explain and she still smile while nodding vividly.

"Exactly! That's why we're having a singing competition to your school for us to found out easily," My heart fell, I joined that competition to know my limit now to find my lost sister. Damn, I hate this.

"U-uhh, my back hurts. I think I need to rest," I excuse myself and quickly run all the way up to my bedroom.

I just lay there, my life can be ruin again by this girl. She can be my sister, she can be Taylor but who is she? I just really hope that they got the wrong thought.


"They think that your sister is studying here in our school?" Normani almost shouted when I told then the bad news.

That's a bad news for me, a really bad news. I'm sure that bringing Taylor back to our lives can make my life terrible like literally terrible, and I hate it when I'm imagining it.

"And remember the contest you want me and Camila to join in?" I said and she nod, "Its her idea to find my lost sister," I added and they both eyes widen.

"Your going to back out, aren't you?" Lucy ask and I nod.

"Its not necessarily, Its my stupid family's idea. So yeah, I will back out," I said as we made our way to my locker. Well, the three of us shares a locker.

"How about Camila?" Normani suddenly said, I know she will feel bad about this but I really need to do this I just hope she'll understand.

I am now in my English class, I have the same class to Camila and Dinah. When I walk in, Ms. Gail was already teaching in front.

"I'm sorry, I'm late," I said, Ms. Gail is one of the best teacher in this school. To be honest she always knows the demeanor of her students.

"Its okay, Ms. Jauregui just take a sit and I'll talk to you later," She said and I just nod and take a sit next to Camila.

"Are you okay?" Camila ask which make me to look at her confused, "You look pale but you're still looking hot tho," she added winking at me.

I just chuckle at her and grab her hand, intertwining it with mine. We just stayed like that until the class dismiss, everyone is now left the room. Its just me and Ms. Gail.

"Ms. Jauregui, take a sit please," she said and I sit in the front row, "I don't wanna be harsh but, do you really want to find your lost sister?"

I look at her in completely shock, "I don't know, I mean my life is miserable for 13 years. My mom is still blaming me to the accident and I just guess that It will be more miserable if she comes back," I truthfully said and she nod in understanding.

"Just please be careful, especially that your sister is in this school. I think this is her freshman year, nobody knows but I really guess that you have some classes with her," Ms. Gail said which made me to think deeper.

"Ally Brooke is a freshman and I have 2 classes with her and Chloe Martinez she have similarities with what mom's discussing to me," I said and she nod.

"You said 3 who's the other one?" She furrowed her eyebrow and I just playfully roll my eyes and grin at her.

"Camila Cabello, its impossible I mean she's brunette and inches smaller than me..." I stopped when I realize what I'm saying its what exactly mom's discussing the girl.

"Exactly, she dresses mature too and unique voice," Ms. Gail added which made my eye to widen more wide than usual "So tell me the truth, are you daring Camila Cabello?"

"Ma'am, yes I am dating her but its just she can't be my sister. She have a family whom I met personally, they look like Camila," I lied to the last part, they really don't look like each other.

"I don't know Lauren, let's just hope that its not her," Ms. Gail said and I just nod.

"Please don't tell it anyone," I beg and she just smile warmly.

"I won't, now your dismiss."


We are now on the field where we always go after school but this time, we're with Normani and Lucy who haven't seen this place before.

"I'm bored... Can any of you tell an interesting story?" Dinah said groaning, I chuckle at her.

"Got any story for us, babe?" Camila ask while putting her hands around my waist and hugging my back.

Shit, should I tell her? Damn, now or never!

"Okay so remember the contest?" I ask and they all nod, I look at Normani and Lucy and they give me a weak smile for a support. "That's my family's idea," I added and they all look so shock, including Camila.

"Someone told me that your parents are so strict but from what is this for?" Dinah ask looking at Mani.

Mani put her hands up in defence, "I told her because she was asking and for your information its just her mom," she said while rolling her eyes.

Dinah refuses her and look at me, asking me to continue "They think that they found my lost sister," I said which made their eyes widen.

"But why singing?" Ally ask

"Because mom heard this mysterious girl hum and that hum is the only song that Taylor hummed," I explain, Dinah and Ally look very confused and Camila is being quiet at my back.

"I'm sorry but its really sounds ridiculous to me," Dinah said which made me to chuckle.

"Its really sounds ridiculous but who knows," I reply still chuckling, I don't know why am I being like this when it comes to my sister, why can't I just like her? Even for a minute.

"I'm not gonna sing to that contest," Camila finally speak up, she's being quiet to the whole conversation. Its just her and the presence of mine were just having a little communication.

"I'm not either," I said which made her to smile up at me.

She quickly turn my head around so that we're now face to face, she's gently leaning in still the smile is in her face and I can't help but to grin and collide our lips together.

She is the color of my life and everyone knows that without color the life will be a dark, dark, cruel world. Like Ms. Gail said, lets just hope its not her.

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