Chapter 24: Surprise

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"Oh my gosh, I can't believe we did it," Camila whisper under her breathe, I chuckle at her.

"Still hungry, babe?" I jokily said as I wrap my arm to her naked body.

She shook her head, "You fed me enough," she reply which made me to grin wider.

"I know right," I smirk and she giggle cutely while putting away my arm and getting up.

I just watch her to take a steps to make herself covered with her clothes again.

"Laur? Can you help me to pick those up?" I nod and grab her panty, bra and shirt on the ground.

I didn't brought anything to cover my body, just pick those things up with my naked body.

I hand it to her, "T-hank Yo-," She's about to finish her word when someone burst into the door.

"Surprise!!" It was Dinah but her eyes quickly widen when she us facing each other without any clothes on our body.

"Surprise?" I awkwardly said and she shook her head closing the door again.

Camila chuckle, "I guess we surprise her even more," she whisper while putting her panty on. I smile at her and we continue to put our clothes on.

As we finished to get dress, the both of us go to the living room to see Dinah and Lucy talking about something while Normani and Ally are protesting who will get the last scoop of the ice cream.

"Hey guys!" Camila said as we go down to the stairs, Dinah smirk.

"Is it good?" She suddenly ask which made the three of them look at us confused.

Ally made her way to give Camila a hug, "What's good, babies?" She innocently ask.

Camila's eyes widen, "You won't be happy, Allyson," she said and Dinah burst out laughing.

I walk awkwardly around Camila and make myself comfortable by laying down on the empty sofa.

"Tell her Mila, Its actually impossible if she said she didn't do it to someone or even do it to herself... I mean everyone does that," Dinah confidently said and I furrowed my eyebrow.

"Did you just mean that your doing yourself?" Everyone's eyes widen, including Ally who quickly cover her mouth.

Dinah blush which made me to laugh at her, "Jeez! You guys are so horny! We're talking about banana pancakes!!" Camila lied and everyone nod their mouth is creating an 'O' shape.

It they only knew... "Exactly, I mean cut the big bananas then flop it and when the bottom is finally cooked flip it and cook the opposite side then taste it, its so good right?" I said looking at Camila who's swallowing her breathe, I smirk.

"Oh Yes!! That's Camila's favorite!!" Ally cheerfully said which made Dinah to cringe.

"Damn it! That's your favorite?!" I sarcastically ask Camila who's nodding her head awkwardly.

I can tell that Normani and Lucy knows what we are really talking about and the poor Ally still don't have a clue.

"Bless them, please," I heard Normani whisper and Lucy slap her tight to make her mouth shut.

"Let them, its kinda fun," Lucy whisper as low as she can but she fails because Ally have a sensitive ear which means that she have a louder hearing.

"What's fun? Oh and before I can forgot, I brought you Mila a Virgin Mary," Ally said which made all of us cringe.

"Allyson!! I'm not virgin anymore!!" Camila said and I stand beside her to give her a little support from what she's admitting.

Ally's eyes widen, "Oh, how was it?" I didn't expect that coming because we all know that Ally is the most religious person on our school.

Camila's jaw drop, "P-perfect but, wait! Aren't you gonna be mad at me or even upset tho?" Camila ask which made Ally to chuckle.

She shook her head, "I think Dinah's right, everyone's does that and no one can prevent that act," she said winking at me, my jaw drop.

Dinah chuckle, "Told she already made herself done," Dinah said and Ally is about to debate but Normani cut her off.

"Oh Jesus, please pray for their words," Mani said getting up from the couch and putting the TV plug, "Can we just please drop it and watching something?"

We ended up watching Grey's Anatomy, Camila and I are cuddle up to the couch while Dinah and Lucy where both sitting on the floor, popcorn in their hand as Normani and Ally were on the smaller couch while eating some crackers.


By the day ends, everyone decided to leave and it ended up Camila and I alone on the house. Well, Lucy and Chris are upstairs who knows what their doing.

"I want to go somewhere," Camila said grabbing a banana and gently peeling it, "Take me to the lake!"

I chuckle at her, we didn't go to the lake together since we found out that Camila is my lost sister. And I missed going there with her.

"I will, after you ate your banana," I said and she quickly eat the whole banana, "Oh men, you have a big mouth."

When we finally reach the lake, we saw the very familiar wooden path. That lake have done many exciting memory to my life and I can't wait to create more.

Camila get up from her wheelchair, and gently sit on the wooden path. "Can you even believe that we're here together after what happened to the past couple months? I mean we're graduating very soon and I can't wait to go to collage with you. Well that will happen after 2 more years," she said and I take a sit beside her, putting my arms around her shoulder and kissing the top of her head.

"There's no impossible, Camz... Sometimes you just have to believe it but also work hard for it because it won't exist if you just watch it happened, maybe its really you and I we're meant to be even tho we're sisters... God created the most amazing sisters here in the planet Well, its kind of annoying but also amazing because I can't marry you but I'm thankful that I have you by my side and I'm very contented into that," she smile as I speak those words, its true... We work hard to be like this, to make it work again because we want it and we dream about it.

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