Chapter 23: The Result

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"A DNA test?!! Seriously? Are you doubting me for being your mother?" Mom angrily said to Camila who's silently crying.

"Mom! Its my idea!! You should put this all on me!" I protest, I'm feeling my blood boiling to the scenario but I'm glad that Camila is there to give me a comfort through her stares.

"What the hell is do you want from my family?!" She's yelling and stepping closer to me, "You want to know?" I nod my head and she hand me a brown envelope. I gently open it and I can tell that Camila is watching me with full of interest.

"No," I whisper right after I saw the result of it, "Impossible."

"99.9% of positiveness, Lauren! Are you still doubting me?" She just whisper angrily this time and I'm so glad that she didn't yell.

"Mom, can you please leave the both of us alone for a minutes?" Camila beg, holding mom's hand and Mom just roll her eyes while getting out of the room.

Its just me and Camila... Yes we can be together but its not forever, we can't have a real wedding because its illegal.

"You still love me?" She suddenly ask wiping some fresh tears into her cheeks.

I smile at her, "I love you," I said which made her to smile back at me.

"I love you more," She said as I crash my lips to hers, not even a minute we also pull away.

"We will gonna continue it, okay no matter what happened. I promise," I said, I just hope that I will not gonna ruin it.

"I'm glad that we will," she said as I sit on the edge of her bed, intertwining our fingers and letting the comfortable silence eat us.


Camila's recovery is the worst, I can see that she's suffering to her back injury and not to mention her dislocated foot that is now better.

"I want Lauren!" Camila said which made me to look up from the book that I'm reading, "Please, I want you to help me," she beg, tears are now falling to her cheeks.

I sigh and get up from the chair and wipe some fresh tears before holding her waist to guide her to have at least 20 steps on the hallway.

"Why don't we have a deal," I whisper and she look up at me, "Every count of your step will being return by a kiss," I said which made her to smirk so wide.

"Fire away, Lolo," she said and she started to step one by one.

Its really hard for her to take a step and watching her like this is always making my heart to broke.

"What?! 40 steps for today!" Camila's therapist almost yell in her shock, "You should always be here to make Camila's recovery get faster," she suggest and I look over Camila who still have her goddess smirk.

"Yes, Its my pleasure to help," I accept. I think I will enjoy this, taking care of Camila and being the reason why she can recover faster.

"You owe me 40 kisses," Camila whisper as we already made to her room, I lay her down to her bed and lean in to plant 39 pecks around her face, "Be good for the last one," she happily said while pouting her lips and pointing on it.

"Don't do that," I said, she look at me in shock.

"Am I not cute anymore? Because I know before the accident is that I'm the cutest banana in the whole wide world," she sadly said, I chuckle at her adorableness.

I didn't say anything, I just crush my lips to hers. I kiss her passionately while caressing her one cheek, I can feel that she's smiling so I smile to which made us to laugh and broke the kiss.

"That's the best one," she said and I lay down beside her and we cuddle until we both gently fall asleep.


After a few more months, Camila finally recover and they decided that she can finally be discharge. Mom and Dad let her stay in my room for awhile until she can walk normally.

"I'm glad they made me stay with you," Camila said, she's sitting on her wheel chair, she's don't want to walk around especially when her back or foot is aching.

"Me too, Babe," I reply as I peck her forehead which made her to smile, "It's still painful for you to laugh?"

She shrug, "Kind of so, are you gonna carry me to the bed?" She ask grinning sheepishly.

I roll my eyes, "Carry yourself, silly," I reply which made her grin to grow wider.

"Lolo!" Camila said putting her arms up as if she's a 4 years old child trying to make her momma carry her.

I just roll my eyes and carry her in bridal style, she's chuckling lowly when I drop her.

"Your so strong," I heard her whisper, I didn't speak, I just lay down beside her.

We cuddle, feeling her presence beside me make my heart flutter. I gently put a kiss her head, I cringe.

"How many days you didn't take a bath?" I ask and she devilish glare at me.

"3 days, wanna have a shower with me," she whisper, goosebumps started to hit me so hard.

"Y-your so d-dirty," I reply, she didn't reply anything instead she cuddle closer.

I love this feeling coming back to my way, I can't even believe what's happening but I'm glad that its not yet over.

I just woke up on many kisses that I'm feeling around my face, its Camila. I smile and try to make her stop without opening my eyes.

"I want to eat, Carry me," she whisper in between kisses every words, "Or just even hand me a banana."

I chuckle, "How big?" I said as I open my eyes, I saw her reaction. She's half shock and half laughing.

"Your so dirty! I hate you so so much!" She said slapping my arms, I ignore the pain and continue to laugh.

"How bout, let's take a bath first before eating BIG bananas," I suggest which made her jaw drop.

"Alright! Just be fast okay," Bingo...

I switch our position which made her to giggle, I remove her shirt and she do the same to me...

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