Chapter 38: Lauren To Camila and Dua To ???

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Lauren's POV

The ceremony begins and its been a hour since I talked to Camila, I'm stunned how dare she didn't even tell me that we're not sisters.

There's no turning back, I'm so hurt to know that I will never be happy as much as I can be happy in Camila's arms.

Its now the time where we're gonna exchange a vows, It was suck how dare I can lie infront of the altar.

"Dua, I may not be perfect but I promise you that I will be here by your side..." I shortly said, I'm not in the mood to speak.

You can actually see it on my face that I didn't care into this wedding...

"Lauren, before it all get started I just want to confess something....." I furrowed my eyebrow and she nervously smile at me, "I-i'm pregnant, I'm so sorry for keeping this to you but I promise that I will always love you and we will gonna create a family with this baby," my blood is boiling, she just cheated...

The priest said something until he turn to Dua, "Do you accept Lauren Jauregui as your wife?" The priest ask and Dua nod her head.

"Yes, father," she excitedly said, the priest turn to me.

"How about you Lauren? Do you accept Dua Lipa to your wife?" I didn't answer which made him to raise an eyebrow at me.

This is my chance, If I will say 'no' I'm choosing Camila but if I say 'yes' I'm choosing to be with Dua.

I think for a seconds before making my decision, "I'm so sorry but I-i can't," I said before running away from the audience which are my family, friends, neighbor, and acquittance.

I may be embarrassing but being married to the wrong person will make me more embarrass.

I get in in my car and drive all the way to the airport. Not that long, I already reach it and I run with my long heavy gown...

My heart jumps when I saw Camila, she already staring at me with her widest grin that I've ever seen.

Not speaking any words, we both run to each others arms and feeling our own presence by kissing each other. It was fantastic and it feels so good.

"Thank you, Lauren..." Camila suddenly whisper, "Thank you for choosing me than Dua, I've waited for so long to been in this moment... Where is just you and me against to all of the people," she said while hugging me tightly, "I love you, Lauren."

I smile, I miss that words and I will keep her no matter what happened. I need her to the rest of my life.

This is the moment, it may be awkward and unexpected but this is the only way I can see to keep her with me.

I lay down on one knees, "Camila, it may not be expect but I really want to do this infront of you because I love you too and I want our love to continue until the end of our lives... Back when we we're on the middle school, I used to lay down too to catch your extraordinary pitches but this time is different, Its so much especial... Camila," A tear finally escape my eyelids, she's also in tears maybe she knows what am I about to say, "I want you forever I want to marry you and call you my wife," I grab her ring back in our first day, I didn't throw it out I kept it because its our ring, our couple ring, "Will you marry me?"

She's still crying but a chuckle escape her lips, "First of all, that's my ring and second, its a big yes," she roll her eyes which made me to smile at her. She's still adorable.

I put her ring back on her finger and kiss her passionately until she missed her flight.

Dua's POV

She left me because of the secret I've kept her for so long... Don't hate me but I'm actually cheating on her for so many years until the day Lauren proposed, I knee I was pregnant in that time but I didn't tell her because I'm so scared of what are the possibility that can happen.

I am sitting on the bench all by myself when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was a sexy blonde with a red puffy eyes, just like mine.

She's so beautiful, like every piece of her is beautiful....

"Hi," she said while smiling at me, I wipe some tears on my cheeks and smile back at her.

"Hi," I reply, she take a sit next to me and extend her arm.

"The first time we met is pretty awkward...," I furrowed my eyebrow and look down at her arm, "I'm Dinah."

I shake it and introduce myself to her, "Lauren told me something about you," I said and she look at me insanely. Damn, Lauren is right about this girl.

"Really? What is it then?" I grin, that's my first grin since Lauren run off of our wedding.

"That your a killing everyone who will disobey you," I chuckling said and she laugh.

Damn, I don't know what gotten into me but she's getting me so fast. Miracle.

"That's 99% true," she said still laughing. I laugh too but now so long when I thought about something.

"Wait wait wait!" I said and we both stop laughing, "Where is the 1% of it?" I ask and her smile turn upside down.

"Uh well, promise me your not gonna mad at me if I tell you or command you?" She ask and I furrowed my eyebrow at her. She's getting serious and I don't know if I should be nervous.

I nod, "Just fire away, Dinah," I give her a warm smile and she take a deep breathe before saying her command at me.

"I command you to kiss me," she bravely said and my whole body get weak.

Wow, just wow... I never expect that coming.

She frown, "I know that face, I'm sorry its a stupid shit but I think its also the right time because I uhhh.... I like you," Dinah said and she's about so walk away when I quickly grab her arm and pull her in for a kiss.

I felt her smile against our kiss and I can't help but to smile too, her kiss is so different like I never felt like this with Lauren...

I suddenly pull away and let my heart to speak, "I like you too."

Okay so Guys!! I really need your help to make a decision: Do you want me to make the story longer and add more drama or Do you want me to add an another one chapter and then the sequel????

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