Chapter 3: Try out

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Lauren's POV

Its lunch time and I'm about to head in the cafeteria to meet with my girls.

"Hey, Lauren!" A familiar voice said, I look behind and saw Lucy heading to my direction.

I smile and give her a warm embrace, "What's up?" I said

She smile widely, "Let's talk about it later." she said grinning.

When we reach our table, we saw Normani impatiently waiting for us.

"Good timing, babies.... I have to go, bye." Normani said while giving us a peck in our cheeks and quickly running out.

Lucy giggle, "What's wrong with her." she said while chuckling

I smile and shrug, "I don't know but... Let's move on with her and stick with you." I said and Lucy blush, she try to hide her blush but she fail, "What's up?"

She looks really happy and she kept grinning, "Well...I think I like someone." she said

My heart broke into two... I'm too late, she doesn't like me anymore.

"Really??? Who is this girl?" I try to cover the hurt and sadness in my voice.

"Hey! Not that I court you for a long time doesn't mean that i'm not allowed to fall into boys." Lucy said while tapping my arms playfully.

I smile "And who is this lucky boy?" I said

She grin, "Promise me that your not gonna get mad." she said

"Yeah." I shortly reply

"Or even upset."

"I promise." I said

She blush for a second then she look at me while smiling, "Your brother."

My jaw drop... It hurts, but its also funny at the same time.

I laugh hard, "I see, you have a big thing with Jauregui's." I tease while playfully taping her knees.

"Ouch! Wait.... Your not mad." She said with a amusement in her voice.

I giggle, I shook my head 'no', "I can't stop your feelings, can I?" I said which made her smile.

I guess that this is it.... I'm done with Lucy, I also need to throw my few feelings for her.


Its now time for our try out, I'm on my jersey number 27... Its my lucky number and I hope it double right now.

"And last.... Number 27, Jauregui!!! Go to the home plate!" our coach said and I do what he command.

I lay on one knees and put the gloves in the middle, I saw Camila walking to the mound and I can't help but to be nervous.

I saw her smiling at me but it also faded when the whistle blow, she do her pitching style and a very fast fastball was on the air.

Everything went so slow, I didn't move my arms not even a little inch... Suddenly, I felt a shock of electricity in my whole arms and when I look at my gloves...

I did it, I catched her pitch... A loud cheer from the crowd make me feel so proud to myself.

I saw Camila smirking from the mound and I quickly get up to give her a bear hug which make her to laugh in my arms.

I pull away when I saw our coach heading to my direction, "You'll be her permanent catcher this whole season... Practice, okay." Coach said while smiling and he quickly make his way out to the field.

"I guess you need more practice." I heard Camila said

"More?? As in a lot?" I said and she nod

"Really lot... Come with me later, I'm going to show you something." she said while getting some water in the cooler.

"Okay... I'll see you later." I said

I walk toward the bleachers to give my brother a little peck on his cheek.

"Nice catch, Lauren." he said while tapping my back proudly

"Thanks, Chris." I reply

He smile and a familiar voice appear behind me, "Can I borrow Lauren for a minute, please." Its Dinah Jane.

My brother nod and Dinah quickly drag me to the edge of the bleachers.

"Congratulations!" she said while giving me a very tight hug.

"Thank you but... I can't breathe, ya know!" I said which made the little girl giggle.

I look at the little girl and give her a big smile, "Hi I'm Lauren Jauregui and you are?" I said to the little girl.

She smile and give me a hug, "I'm Ally Brooke, nice to meet you Lauren." She said while pulling out to the hug.

"You look so cute, Ally." I said

"I know, thank you." she reply

I saw Dinah rolling her eyes, "Look she's new here okay and... She's Camila's cousin." Dinah explain and I look at Camila from far then back to Ally.

"They don't look like each other... I mean you can see it in their Face and body image." I whisper into Dinah's ears and Dinah just shrug.

"Whatever but.... We'll see you later right." she said while smirking.

"Hey! How did you know about that?" I said while tapping her arms.

"Camila told us." Dinah said and my mouth form into 'o'.

"Whatever... See you later then." I said while waving goodbye to Dinah and Ally.

And Dinah slap my butt, "If you didn't come with us later, don't go to school tomorrow if you want to be alive for the rest of your life!" Dinah exclaim which make me laugh at her reaction.

The rest of the afternoon went pretty great, a lot of people are greeting me.

But I know that mom will never be proud as much as the other people can be proud of me, I don't know why I kept trying to make her love me even tho I know that she will never love me... Unless if my sister show up.

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