Chapter 40: Sequel

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Every special occasion deserves a party and that's the next celebration we will have tonight.

Everyone is invited even Dua especially now that she's with Dinah. I'm surprise that Dinah like Dua, I mean she never talked about her.

I'm sitting infront and of course Lauren is by my side.

"I'm so excited about the honeymoon," Lauren whisper and I tap her shoulder playfully.

I glare at her, "Your so dirty, you know that?" I angrily whisper but also wink at her, "But I'm excited too."

Lauren burst out laughing which caught everyone's attention. The crowd look at us.

"Want to share something?" Dinah said while furrowing her eyebrow, I awkwardly shook my head.

"I-i just said a funny joke," I lied but Lauren deny it. She's definitely  trying to kill me.

Lauren shook her head, "That's a lie!" She said and I give her a killer glare.

"Its seems like an interesting topic, what is it all about?" Lucy said and Dinah smirk, dang this girl can get it.

"Way back at highschool?" Dinah ask and Ally, Normani and Lucy's eyes widen.

"Oh no! You are talking about sex?!" Ally shouted which made everyone laugh.

Yes, she's adorable but I hate her for shouting it... I blush like a red tomato.

"Well, have a good night for the both of you then," Normani said winking at me while walking away with Lucy by her side.

If you will really see our different from our highschool days, we all grew up like the puberty hit us all real hard. No one can explain how hot they all look like compare to pur highschool days.

Normani have this skinny skin and a very nice lips together with her nice butt.

And Lucy have this great slim body more shaped back at highschool.

Dinah's boobs get more bigger and her but is killing it.

Well, Ally is still simple looking girl but damn her adorableness is killing every person in this room.

Lauren, she's still hot as always but her body get more toned and her abs are like hell that I can feel even tho I'm not touching it.

And me.... They said that my bangs look good on me but I guess its not, I don't really know how much I change after all theses years.

After a few more minutes a host finally show up at the stage with these happy smile forming on her lips.

"What about we have some games for awhile?" The host said and everyone shouted in excitement, "It called 'The Futures'," she stop and look at Lauren, "Can I call Ms. Lauren Jauregui here at stage, please."

Lauren stand up and peck my lips before getting up at the stage, she smile at me.

"Okay so here's the rule.... Lauren will remove her necktie and she will throw it without looking and who will the one can catch he/she will need to come up stage and get a piece of paper here at this magical bowl that have a future written on it," the host said and everyone gather at front to play the game.

Lauren turn around and throw her necktie backwards, everyone try to get it but it was Normani who catch it.

I intensely watch the game, it look so much fun and Normani get up to the stage.

Lauren is laughing at her while saying sorry at the same time.

"Okay so Arin here will be handing you a note and you will need to read it out loud," The host said and Arin come behind Normani and Normani get a paper from the bowl.

Her eyes widen as she smile, "Today is your lucky day! You just saw the person that will love you forever!" She shouted and everyone cheer at her.

Normani is single for about 5 months and hopefully the note is telling the truth.

After that, the host call me and want to do the same thing like Lauren do but instead of neckties, she want me to throw the flower that the restaurant gave me.

I backwardly throw the follow and also look forward to see the flower on Dua's hand, I smile.

Dua come up from the stage and get a note on Arin's bowl.

She blush when she have an idea what does the note said.

"Don't be ridiculous! Say Yes because you are the next one who will be married!" She look up and I follow her daze to see a nervous Dinah???

This is a real weird, Dinah never get nervous like this...

I lost in my thoughts and I just found Dinah on the stage, she's bending on one knees as she ask the most powerful question that can change the rest of your life.

"Dua Lipa, will you marry me?" Dinah ask and I look at Dua to see her in teary eyes while nodding her head.

Its a Yes for my bish!! The magical bowl is true huh.

And not that long for me to notice that Normani is actually dancing with Arin, its really miracle.

"Want to dance, honey?" Lauren ask extending her hands and I grab it.

We dance on a very slow music. I can actually hear Lauren's heart beat.

"You know what?" Lauren suddenly said and I look up at her to see her staring into my eyes, I hum in response, "I guess the moon finally made his way to find the sun," she said and I smile.

"Yeah and they will gonna look so perfect because they work really hard to find each other, to be with each other and they will always fight for each other because they love each other more than they love themselves," I reply and Lauren smirk.

"And one thing," I look deeply into Lauren's eyes, "The moon want to kiss the sun again," she smirk which made me to blush furiously.

She lean in to make our lips collide, I smile and continue to kiss her passionately.

When air is become the problem, I also pull away and kiss her earlobe.

"I love you, Lauren Cabello-Jauregui," I said and she grin at me.

"I love you more Camila Cabello-Jauregui....." 

           The End

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