Chapter 15: The Bad Idea

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For the second time in this year when I enter the living room my parents were sitting on the couch waiting for me to arrive.

"What's up?" I said not even bothering to take a sit first.

"Your mom and I decided to take a 3 days vacation in Russia," Dad said which made mom to roll her eyes.

"Okay so, that's it?" I ask and dad nod. I was about to go upstairs when I heard my nanny calling me.

"Lauren?" She called and I quickly make my way to her direction.

"Yes, Nanny?" I reply and she sigh nervously.

"They're talking about your sister awhile ago, what did they said to you?" Nanny said which made my eyes to widen.

"That they're going on a vacation for 3 days," I said and Nanny shook her head.

"Your mom just talked to your sister and I'm shocked that they didn't tell you anything about it," she whisper and I nod my head.

I'm glad that they didn't or else I would be annoyed for the rest of the afternoon.

"I hate my sister, Nanny," I said and she give me a weak smile.

"You can do it, your a brave girl Lauren. Just cover your angriness with your heart and you will feel love soon," Nanny said adoring every words she just said.

I just wish I can but it will be hard to pretend that you love that person even tho you know to yourself that you hater since you tow we're born.


"Come with me at my house later," I said to Camila which made her eyes widen.

Mom and dad left last night for their vacation and I have the whole house because Chris will be spending his night with his friend's house.

"Babe, your parents," she said and I chuckle.

"They went on a vacation, we have the whole house by ourselves," I said and she glare at me, "What's wrong?"

She pout,"You going to do bad things to me, aren't you?" She said which made me to furrowed my eyebrow to her.

"Bad things?" I ask while chuckling, "I'm not ready for a sex, baby," I said which made her to blush really red.

"Sex? You two are planning on having sex?" A voice appear behind us and when I look behind, Its captain Dinah.

"Wait?! What?! No!!" Camila panicked and I just intertwined my hand with hers, "Lowe your voice, Hansen. Everyone can hear you, you know that?" She said and Dinah shook her head.

"Whatever because me, I'm having a nice night with my boyfriend," she said which made us to have an eye to eye contact as if we're communication through our eyes.

"We don't wanna hear the details, thank you," Camila said dragging me to the hall way going to the girls bathroom.

Without even saying any word, Camila pull me in for a kiss. I kiss her back making sure that I'm giving passion and love to the kiss.

We just make out for a few more minutes until the signal bell ring, Camila gently pull away which made me to groan.

"As much as I want to continue this, we can't because we have English," she said and I smile at her.

I put some hairs behind my ears before continuing her sentence, "Together," I said and she look at me confuse, I roll my eyes "We have English together."

She chuckle, "right, yeah," she said as she fix herself in front of the mirror and I do the same.

When we're done fixing yourself, we hurriedly go to our next class. We're just in exact time, when we arrive Mr. Collins also just arrived.

"The both of you were too close of being late, what happened?" Dinah ask while raising an eyebrow at me.

"We'll tell you later," I said and Mr. Collins tarts discussing in front which caught every students attention.

When the dismissal finally came, I drive Dinah and Ally home before making my way to my home with Camila. Since English, she never let go of my hand she's just letting go of it when its necessarily like when I'm driving, she knows that I'm not good at driving so she let go of my hand for me to focus more.

When we finally reach my home, Camila's eyes widen, "Your house is really big, I never thought that its this big," she whisper in amused, I remember when the first time I go to her place, she also drop me here in my home but she never notice everything because its dark.

Our door man open the door for me and I thank him for doing that, and when she step inside. Her jaw drop lower.

"Its incredible, its so beautiful just like you," Camila said looking up at me.

"Lauren?! Is that you?" Its Nanny, I'm sure she is. I saw Camila looking at me and I just squeeze her hand, telling her that everything is okay.

"Its me, Nanny. I'm with Camila!" I said and Nanny burst into the door with a two sand which in her tray.

"Its you Camila, You know that Lauren told me some good stuff about you. She actually loves telling stories about her day with you," Nanny which made Camila to look at me and I just look down trying to hide my blush.

"Really? I didn't know that thing," Camila said and I grab my sand which and handing Camila hers.

After a few more conversation with Nanny and finishing the sand which, I think about giving Camila a tour on my bedroom and I did.

"You have the best animal stuff," Camila said which made me to giggle.

"Yeah, its a frog and a cow. I love them both," I said which made her to laugh even more harder.

When I finished giving her a tour, Camila stop in front of the piano. Its actually our old Piano where Taylor used to play it.

"C-can I use it?" She suddenly ask and I nod my head.

"Just go for it, baby," I said and she look at me smiling.

She sit on the piano's chair and lift the cover up, revealing a dusty black and white keys of the piano.

She brush her fingers through the keys and begin to play a song. I froze.

'Oh My, not that song please'

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