Chapter 21: The Accident

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Its Camila, obviously... And my bad, I forgot to lock the door. I unnoticeable wipe some tears in my cheeks and grab the medal and put it back in the box with the ring, necklace, and the note.

"I can't take these," I said handing her the box but she shook her head. "Accept it, Taylor," my voice grew louder.

She shook her head again, "Please, pretend that your talking to Camila right now," She exclaim and I just nod my head.

"I'm not gonna let the ring and the necklace get back to me," I said and Camila just eye me without any emotion.

"Let's just have a deal," I look at her confuse, "I will accept the ring and the necklace back if you will accept the medal," She said and I think about it for a seconds.

"Okay, deal," I said handing her the necklace and the ring back.

She put on the ring and put the necklace on her pocket, "I think this is it," she said, a tear escape her eye... "Don't worry, I will now stop bothering you," her voice is cracking.

I just put it all out and finally pull her in for a hug, "I'm so sorry, I broke you," I whisper, gripping her so hard and smelling her scent.

"Don't be, I'm not blaming you," She reply and I pull away from the hug.

"I know, I'm just gonna do a thing that I know you will not gonna allow me to," I said and gently put a kiss on her forehead before making my way out to the bathroom.

Camila's POV

Its the day after the camp when I heard some yelling downstairs. I gently open my eyes and without even gargling, I make my way to the living room where I found my parents, they look really worried.

"What's up?" I suddenly speak which get their attention.

"I-its Lauren, s-she run away," Dad said which made my day ruined. Without even speaking I run away all the way back to my room.

I quickly take a shower and brush my teeth. I was about to put on some clothes when I spot a folded paper into my desk, I grab it and read it.


I'm sorry for doing this but this is the only way I found to fix your life, I know how hard your feeling when I'm with you and your getting into trouble when I'm around... It also can help you to move on, and not to mention that I'm also moving on because I'm found myself falling harder when I just read the letter you wrote back at the camp and the words you just said to me when Mr. Collins made a little game of confession. Just don't be afraid to call me, don't tell mom and dad my number because I changed it (123-456).

I quickly write her number into piece of paper, putting it in my pocket. I grab my ring and my necklace, placing it where should it be placed and grab my keys.

I get in in my car, I'm not good at driving but I will do this for Lauren. Because I still love her...

I started driving, I don't know where to go to be honest but later on an idea pop into my head. Lucy's house its not that far.

I heard my phone ring and when I turn to look at it, I..........

Lauren's POV

I hope I've done good this time, I'm always ruining everything. I was on Lucy's and I'm so glad that they let me stay for a few days.

Suddenly I heard my phone ring, I think about it before answering. I change a number and the number that appears on the screen is not familiar.

Damn! I answer it...

Unknown: Excuse me, I just wanted to ask if you know Lauren Jauregui?

I laugh, wow this girl really don't know who she's talking to. I play it.

Me: Oh Yeah! I know her!

Unknown: Well I think that you need to go to Chi's Hospital, she's been on a car crash

And that's it, she hang up the call. Me? On the hospital? Wow, I'm alive dude!

But that doesn't matter right now, I quickly made my way to the Chi's Hospital. And go to the emergency room.

"Lauren Jauregui, where is she? Someone called me that she's been on a car crash, is it true?" I said to the nurse, she check something on her computer before answering.

She nod, "Oh yeah! She's in the bad condition when the ambulance bring her here... What are you to her?" She ask

"Uh.... G-g.... Friend! No, I don't know," I said, I don't know what to say.

"That's making me confuse but just over there, just wait her to get done fixing the injuries of you friend," she said and I just nod.

I just do what she said and wait there impatiently, when the doctor finally stand in front of me, my blood jumps.

"I'm Dr. Iglesias, Okay so Lauren is having a little damage yo her spinal cord and it makes harder for her to move and a dislocated left foot," she explain and I just nod.

"Um... Actually that's me," I said which made her eyes widen, "I'm Lauren Jauregui."

She shook her head, "You have the same ring and necklace with her, did you two exchanged?" She ask and I shook my head 'no'.

Tears started to fall down to my cheeks, its Camila "We just wanted to be together," I whisper and she put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"Then be with her."

"She's my lost sister," I shortly said which made her to look at me shock.

"Do you want me to check her DNA?" I look up at her, she's so nice.

"Mom will never approve," its true, she thinks that those were enough reasons.

"Let her fall asleep in the sleeping pills and make your move," she said which made me to chuckle, she's hopeful I like her.

Later on, I also agree to take a DNA test between Camila and My mom but it will be hard for me of course. Let's just put a little hope.


I finally made a new cover for this book!!! Yay!! I work for it every free time I can get!! I hope its better!

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