Chapter 28: Bathroom ;)

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Lauren's POV

Things are getting so fast, everyday is a new challenge for Camila and I. How do we see each other? How can we talk? That's my everyday problem these past few weeks.

And the scary thing is, tomorrow is our graduation... Tomorrow is the day that mom, dad, and Camila will move on to Cali.

"Love you too, babe," Camila said as I ended the call.

We're always calling each other, like saying goodnight or we're gonna meet at the bathroom to kiss each other every morning.

I pick my bag and make my way downstairs, I saw Camila and mom who's eating breakfast quietly.

Camila look at her lap because mom is staring at her, its surprisingly that mom can control Camila.

I didn't speak or even stare at Camila, not to mention her clothes looks hot on her. I just make myself a coffee and put it on a Starbucks cup and grab a poptart and banana before making my way to my car.

That's my routine evey morning, its getting hard because its not just mom who's observing us its also dad and Alexa. Its sucks how Alexa can enter my life because the last thing that I know is that I'm so over to her, like she's one of the sluts waiting for me to be single again before trying to get into my pants. Screw them because I will never let them get into it, it belongs to Camila. Only hers.

I'm eating my breakfast while driving, I'm pretty good at driving so why not to do it. As soon as I reach the school, I saw Lucy waving happily at me.

"You ready to rock the graduation practice?" She excitedly ask and I shook my head.

"Not unless I can steal even just a 1 kiss at Camila," I said and she chuckle at me.

"Why don't you guys just run away, you two have been on a very complicated relationship but that wasn't even a good reason for the both of you to stop, it called one thing 'True Love'," she exclaim as she jumps excitedly, "I'm glad that Chris chose to stay rather than to go with your mom and dad."

I sigh, I just wish my love can stay too "Your lucky he can because if he can't, you can feel the heartache gently eating you until you can't love anymore," I dramatically said which made her to laugh.

When the graduation's practice begins, everyone is busy to their alignment so I get my chance to pull Camila into the girls bathroom, I didn't have to say anything I just crash my lips to hers.

I miss this so much, her lips touching mine, its heaven. We also pull away soon, I look up at Camila.

"What's wrong?" She calmly ask and I just shook my head.

"Nothing. I'm just gonna miss you so much when it already happened," Tears are starting to fall down to my cheeks, I've never been so emotional before, for the past 3 weeks I'm always crying every night as I stare up to the moon and to the bright shinning stars. Its remind me of how Camila adores the sun and the moon.

"Its about the California thing?" I gently nod my head, she didn't say anything. She just hold me close and tighter, "I love you," she whisper, my heartbeat increases.

She never failed to made me feel like this, inlove, inspire, and happy. Just those 3 words make me feel so good.

"I love you too," I whisper back and she stand up and wipe some tears on my cheeks.

She weakly smile, "Tomorrow will be complicated because mom and dad will be here with us and its not that easy to make a move for us to hold each other but I will promise you that I will send you a letter every other day and please don't forget that I love you no matter what, okay," she emotionally said, I don't know what she's trying to say. Is it a goodbye? Hopefully not.

I nod my head, "I will reply to you, and I will always love you back from the sun and back," I said winking at her which made her to laugh playfully.

"Come on, Alexa is now being crazy finding you on the crowd," she said standing up and fixing herself.

When we finally get out of the bathroom, we went on the opposite path and opposite time of showing in. Alexa quickly grab my hand and align on our stage position, gladly that I'm going to sit infront because I'm one of the most awarded student and Mr. Miller don't want to miss a speech to me.

Time is so slow when I'm not near to Camila, its now a dinner the last dinner that we will have as a complete family. Its awkward because I'm not able to stare at Camila or even talk to her, its our policy outside and inside the house.

"Are you already packed up, Taylor," Mom said smiling at Camila who's eating her dinner in silent.

She just shook her head, "Its Camila, I haven't agree to change my name remember?," she corrected and mom's smile turn upside down.

"Whatever," she annoyingly replied, I smile inside of me. You can't really judge people by their good attitude because they're more wilder when they got mad or even upset, always remember that.

When the finally finish eating dinner, I made my way upstairs and go straight ahead to my balcony, I just look up to the beautiful sky, the stars are shining so bright and its perfect. Not even a hour, I felt my eyes getting heavy until I fall asleep.

"Lauren," I heard a very familiar voice whisper, I lazily groan, "Wake up! We don't have much time to be together, silly," Its Camila, I knew it.

I gently open my eyes and being greet by Camila's soft lips crashed into mine, I smile and kiss her back.

I pull out, "How did you get here? You know that the small cameras can catch you," I said and she chuckle at me.

She give me a peck, "Well, I adjust mom and dad's alarm clock, making it late for about 1 hour so they don't have much time to check it," she explain winking at me "Smart?"

I roll my eyes,"Very smart, baby," I reply as she sit down on my lap.

"Promise me that you will never do something with Alexa," She suddenly spoke which made me to laugh hard.

"Are you fucking serious?" I breathlessly said, "I will fuck all the girls in this world except Alexa, Jeez its making me sick when I'm thinking about it," I said still laughing hard, Camila just shook her head and laugh with me.

That's true, I don't have any intention of Alexa maybe before yes because we're together but dang.... Right now is different, Camila came into my life and she made a lot of change in me. She made me happy and complete everyday and I am very thankful that she exist or else the Lauren that everyone hates will appear.

As the time past by, Camila told me that she needed to go just to be sure that no one will catch us or else our situation will only get worst.

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