Chapter 31: Seeing Each Other

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Lauren's POV

I receive Camila's letter, I don't know how will I start but its killing me.... Her suspicions are all true, I'm cheating but I can't tell her because it will hurt her.

"Why can't you just tell her? I sure she will understand it, she's also your sister its not the right thing," Dua said as she made herself closer to mine.

I never expect that I'm doing this but I'm so really sorry from what I've done but I only hope for one thing... That she can understand me.

I got this 'Love at first sight' at Dua and she told me that she feels the same way. She knows everything about Camila and I but she said that she's willing to go on relationship with me even tho I'm with my sister. My heart is saying no but my mind is saying yes, its confusing when you're on my situation like its literally killing you inside out.

And about being loyal, someone just texted me that Camila is also with this Shawn boy that I didn't care about even just a little of insecurity. And I don't think the same spark will still be there when I can kiss her again, I think its gently vanishing.

"Just slow down, D... We don't want to make this more complicated right?" I said and she glare at me.

She sigh, "She just said 'I love you'... You know how much I hate it when someone saying those words to you even tho your just being friends with this person," She said and I just nod my head.

"I don't love her because I love you," I said caressing her cheeks, she smile and crash her lips to mine.

After a few minutes of kissing each other, I decided to make my last letter to Camila and it will be a hard shit to do.

Dear Camila,
Hey! I don't know what's into you but your acting and thinking crazy about me and Dua, We are just friends and that's period like that's the honest thing I've ever said to you. And its actually afternoon in here and the whether is so good awhile ago, good whether should be appreciated so I hang out with Dua to the beach and it went really perfect. And first day is the best because I found out that I have many different classes with Dua and that will be so exciting.

I lied.... That's the first time I lied to her, it doesn't make me feel good but it doesn't make me feel bad either its like a tie feeling like I don't to the both that I can be free whenever I went to.

And that will be the last letter that I will give her, the last one till the end of our lives. And I'm willing to continue my relationship with Dua and run away to my problems with Camila and I will cut all my connection to her.

Camila's POV

I never receive any letter from Lauren, Year has past by and I'm sure she have a job now and I just graduated as a doctor I will be a doctor to the Chi's hospital in Miami and my flight will be tomorrow.

My feelings for Lauren isn't fading, its still on my heart and mind. She's like a drug and I'm so addicted to her like I can't stop from loving and thinking of her but I hope she can be happy with Dua.

Until this morning, I receive a letter... I still don't know why I have a letter from someone but when I open it, my eyes widen.

[September 23]
Dear Camila,
I want to break up with you, I'm with Dua and I'm sorry for not telling you but I just cheated and I'm sorry if I haven't replying on your letters because I'm trying to avoid you to make things a little bit easier if I will be off of your mind for awhile. Bur hope you can find someone on your life too and I'm sorry for doing such a things like this.

The paper is brown, this letter is old and it means that she try to told me but the letter delivery just seems not to deliver it in time.

A tear fall from my eye and I felt my phone vibrated, I check it and saw Dinah's name on the screen. I answer her call.

Me: Hey?

My voice is raspy and you can really tell that I'm about to burst out crying.

Dinah: You thinking bout her again?

Dinah and I found a communication when she started to work as a business woman and Ally now is a chef.

Me: I just receive an old letter breaking up with me... Why I didn't receive it earlier? After 7 years of waiting?

Dinah: You know what? Cry it all out because if I see tomorrow crying don't think that you can attend your first day at the hospital.

She warned and I smile how Dinah can make me feel better, I ended the call and ran upstairs and cry my shit out of it.

When the day past, I'm on the airport now and I'm sitting on my assigned chair when someone caught my attention.

"Lucy?" I said and Lucy face me with a sweet grin on her face.

"Camila? Woah. Wow, I've never expect to see you here," she said looking shock at me.

I smile, "You and Chris still together?" I ask and her grin became wider and nod.

"We're actually married now and I'm surprise that you don't know," I'm actually don't have any idea when I'm still studying, my parents are now allowing me to know anything what's happening on Miami and specially with Lauren.

"Oh, wow.... Its actually because of mom," I truthfully said and she nod, "Can I know what are you doing here in Cali?"

She raise her one eyebrow, "Haven't you reading or viewing some magazines?" I shook my head, not a big fan of it, "You sucks, you don't even know that your sisters in-law is a model," she said rolling her eyes playfully.

I tap her shoulder and laugh at her,"You ain't change," I whisper and she just smile at me.

When we finally landed, we all go down to stairs to meet our parents, friends, or family who's waiting for us and I'm still with Lucy so...

"Hey, Lucia!" A very familiar voice said and when we both turn around. My heart stop.

Its her, Lauren.... After 7 years seeing her again is a real shitty miracle.

"C-camila," I heard Lauren whisper and I pretend not to hear it and just smile bitterly at her as I turn around and walk away.

I'm going to make the story faster a little bit and thank you for a 2k views and 200 votes, I appreciate it.

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