Chapter 37: Is It The End?

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Its now Saturday and Camila still didn't shown up on my door every morning, I just miss her a lot.

I left work early because I have a wedding rehearsal with Dua and I'm sure that it will be a long afternoon...


Next week will be my wedding and Camila still haven't shown up. Well, I don't today I mean I just woke up and I'm ready to do my routine.

I'm eating my breakfast when I heard a knock on my door, my whole body jumps in joy. I quickly get up and pretend to be lazy when I open the door reveling, Dua.... Its not pretending anymore, its actual.

"Hi, babe," she greet kissing my cheeks, I really wonder why Dua is not taking an early run since then and her belly, she don't want me to touch it. I don't know why but its really weird.

I just smile and continue to eat my breakfast....

6 more days till my wedding and I'm no longer happy, I'm going to be lie this for the rest of my life. Help me.

As usual I do my routine and a knock on my door made me to roll my eyes, I didn't have a dare to open it. Until many minutes past by the knock is like a horn outside my door and I'm really getting pissed.

"Lauren! Come on! Just talk to me, I'm getting late!" The most familiar voice said, its so lovely and beautiful.

I open it and it revealed Camila with a very exhausted look. Her eyebags are so deep and her lips are not that pink compare to the last time I saw it.

I raise my eyebrows, "What?" I coldly ask and she let out an unbelievable chuckle.

"Seriously? Ariana told me that you we're looking for me and now here I am infront of you and your going to say 'What?" She angrily ask, She looks really scary I mean who wouldn't get mad if you just continuously knock on a door for about half an hour.

This is it I can't missed it, I need to admit but also to let go...

"I want you to stay away from me," I begin and she let go a bitterly chuckle,

"Its funny how you can pretend that you didn't care, Lauren," she whisper, how did she know that? Am I too obvious?

"Just let me finish first!.... I care a lot about you, Camila because I still love you and I can't fucking move on if you will keep on doing this! Just please," My voice is cracking as the tears are falling down to my cheeks, this is my weakness, "Enough, I can't... Its all coming back the hurt and pain is burning inside me it will not go away its remaining unless you make yourself go away," I took a deep breathe before saying my last word "Goodbye, Camila."

I close the door infront of her, she's also crying quietly when I'm saying my rudeness to her... I shouldn't have done that, she don't deserve it.

Camila's POV

Her words still cutting me into billion pieces, she just said goodbye infront of me and that's the word I've been waiting for her to say to make me stop and just move on.

Today is her wedding and I'm outside to the room where she's fixing herself, I saw Lucy outside and she told me that she will talk to Lauren first before letting me in.

Lauren: What do you want?

I suddenly receive a text from her, I roll my eyes and type a quick feedback.

Me: Just one last word before I can finally let you go...

Lauren: Get in

I sigh in relief and step inside the room, I saw her on a white gown no words can explain how beautiful she looks right now.

She smile at me and I smile back at her as I clear my troat asking for a private talk with Lauren and I'm glad that everyone get out.

"You know that you're the only one I wanted right?" I started and a sad tear fall to my eye, "I don't have any idea how I will gain my trust to you again when you just lied to me," I said get the ring and the necklace she gave me, I drop it on the floor, "But its also my fault because I'm too late and I let you go.... I love so fucking much but it all faded you said the only thing I don't want you to say to me, you just said goodbye," The both of us are crying like a shit, she's still wearing the necklace but the ring is gone, "Goodbye to you too, Lauren."

I was about to walk away when I felt Lauren's hand gripping my arm and pulling me in for a long and passionate kiss.

That's the first time, its really coming back to me... The butterflies, flings, and goosebumps are playing around my body. I never realize how much I miss this.

"I'm sorry," she whisper when we both pull away, "I'm sorry for breaking your heart, for throwing all the our memories together, for letting the person that I love the most go, for letting the sun hate the moon, for everything.... I'm so unfair and I'm a shitty woman who fall inlove with her sister," I shook my head and she look at me confused, "W-what?"

I chuckle, "I'm not your real sister, Lauren... Remember when we take a DNA test?" She nod and I smile for the last time, "Mom pay them to make it positive when the real result is '99% negative'," I explain and her eyes widen.

I take a few steps backwards, making sure that I'm giving her my best smile and showing her how happy I am to be the part of my life.

"I will be back at Cali and today is my flight, I have 2 more hours to be here at Miami," I said and gently close the door.

I'm sure that Lucy will kill me for ruining her make up but I don't care into that because I only care for one thing; myself, Lauren is gone which means that it just me all alone.

Dinah is going to watch the wedding, I don't know why but she just said that she want so I let her, I drive all the way to the airport and wait till my plane get on board.

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