Chapter 32: Dua's Secret

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I never look back, I just walk straight to the girl's bathroom. I look at myself at the mirror, wondering if did I do it right?

"You've done the right thing, Camila," I whisper as a sigh of relief escape my lips, I close my eyes and take a few more deep breathe.

I don't have any idea that Lauren will be here, after 7 years of not seeing each other in this place we're really meet a path?

Suddenly a sound of flush echo on the bathroom and I saw the mirror's reflection revealing Dinah.

"Crying?" She ask getting near into me, I glare at her. Isn't obvious to ask?

"Did you know that Lauren is here?" I ask and she shook her head.

She cover her mouth when she have a little bit of idea what happened awhile ago.

"Yo-u saw her," she whisper still looking flustered, "Where is she? I'm going to kill her!" She said going outside the bathroom.

I roll my eyes and wipe the tears on my cheeks and follow Dinah, and when I already spot her she's making a conversation with Lauren.

Seriously? I'm actually expecting that she will just stab something on Lauren's back but what I saw is so unbelievable.

"Dinah! We have to go!" I yell and soon, Dinah finally approach me.

"Wow, did you see that girl? She's so hot," she whisper pointing to the girl next to Lauren.

Well, this girl have a brown orbs and she have a tattoo on her arm and her hair is short. Holy no! That's definitely Dua!

"She's the reason why Lauren left me," I sadly said and Dinah chuckle at me.

"No wonder why? I mean damn look at that body," she reply pointing to Dua's body, I glare at her.

"Oh my! I swear to you, you will be my first patient who will gonna die," I warmed which made her to cringe, "No! I mean look at my butt! She only have a bigger boobs than me!"

We just continue to argue about this thing until we finally reach Dinah's house.

Dinah made me stay to the guess room for awhile, I'm glad that it have a little bit if similarities on my room back at Cali.

I open the window and a cold wind hit me as I close my eyes, its not helping the memories are coming back, its all coming back.

"I thought I moved on but I was wrong," I whisper as I cry quietly.


"Good morning, Dr. Cabello! Welcome to the Chi's hospital," One of the nurses said and I smile at her.

"Thank you....?" I furrowed my eyebrow

"Ariana, that's my name," she said and I chuckle at her.

"Well, thank you Ariana," I said and she grin while looking down to her phone.

"Dr. Iglesias wants to have you in her surgery tonight, is that okay?" Ariana look up at me and I nod.

First day, first surgery? What a great start of my career! Thanks to Dr. Iglesias that she will let me to join her surgery tonight.

My back was facing the wall in front of the information desk, Ariana is on duty which means that its just me and the nurses on the Information desk.

I was about to walk away when I saw Dua walking on the hallway of the hospital and heading to the information desk.

"Excuse me? Can you tell me where is Dr. Robbins office?" Dua ask and I furrowed my eyebrow.

As far as I know that Dr. Robbins is a pediatrician, Why Dua need A doctor of babies?

I follow her all the way to Dr. Robbins office but of course I'm making sure that she won't notice me.

"Hi I'm Dua, I just want to have an ultrasound if its true that I'm pregnant, I've use many pregnancy test and its all positive," she explain and Dr. Robbins make an 'O' shape on her mouth.

My jaw drop, did Lauren knows about this? Did Dua cheated on Lauren?

Many thoughts are playing on my mind and I'm stunned from what did I just found out. She's surely pregnant, pregnancy test never lie.

"There you are Dr. Cabello," I suddenly heard a voice behind me and I look back to see Ariana wearing a beautiful smile.

"Oh hey, Ariana," I greet back and she hand me my schedules.

"You have a patient waiting for you in the ER," she said and I nod following her to the Emergency Room.

I lowly groan, I'm disappointed that I missed who is the father of Dua's fetus but how if they really plan for this? How if they're already engage and they want a baby so Dua injected some sperm into herself?

I just shrug it all of and focus on my 5 years old patient, I smile when I saw the little girl. She was crying and complaining to her arm ache that she can't move it.

"Hi Carmen, I'm Dr. Cabello," I said and she look up at me.

The name seems so very familiar to me, like I knew someone who have a Carmen in her name. Its just so familiar and meaningful.

She pout, "Your pretty, Dr. Cabello but my arm is aching so bad and I can't move it," she said in a low voice.

"Can I take a look at it?" She nod and I slowly lift her arms up and look at her mom.

"How was it? Is it bad?" Her mom worriedly ask and I inhale deeply.

"I will still recommend to take a x-ray but I'm afraid that Carmen fractured her arm," I said and I give them time to talk to each other.


When the night has come, like Ariana said Dr. Iglesias want me to join her surgery.

I am waiting to the surgery room and not that long when Dr. Iglesias finally enter and washes her hands before entering the room.

She smile, "Hi, Dr. Cabello," she said smiling up at me.

I remember her! She's my doctor when I've been on a car crash, I don't know that she's still working here.

"Dr. Iglesias! Its me Camila," I said and she furrowed her eyebrow at me.

She smile nervously, "U-uh yeah, I r-remember you," she said which made me to look at her confuse.

Why is she nervous? Is it about the operation? Or she don't want me around?

When the patient arrive, we silently do the operation.

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