Chapter 17: Giving Up

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We are now standing outside the door of Camila's house, she let go of my hand before entering the house and when we finally enter. Our eyes widen.

"What are you doing here?" I bravely ask, Camila place a hand on my back which made me to calm down.

I wonder how they find this place or who the hell told them that Camila lives here.

"You are now forgiven, Lauren," Dad said, I give him a fake smile. I look around and saw Ally and Camila's grandpa, they're both in tears.

"What on earth happened?" I ask mom and dad, looking directly into their eyes.

"Just a little talk or let's just say confession," Mom said getting up from the couch, "Oh look at my two daughter! You two are already best friend," she added which made Ally chuckle, Dad look at her confuse.

"Grandpa? Ally? What's happened?" Camila ask, she's already crying and I can't help but to comfort her.

"Mija, we are not your family," her grandpa said, I gulp hard on the air, "I don't have any child, Ally is just adopted and You.... I just saw you sleeping deeply on the woods and I decided to kept you, I hide the truth for 13 years and now, your real family want you to go back at them and I can't do anything to fight for you, I don't have any right. I'm so sorry, Mija," He said, tears are falling down to his cheek and I can't help but to feel bad at them.

"No, please no. They're not my family right, your just kidding," Camila said and her grandpa shook his head.

"Go, Mija... They can give you a better life than I can give you," Her grandpa said before standing up and going into his bedroom, locking it.

Camila is bursting into tears, I just stay there for her. I hug her letting her feel my presence that whatever happen next, I will still be there for her. When she finally calm down, I look beside me to saw Ally staring at me.

"Mrs. And Ms. Jauregui, I just wanted to talk to Lauren if you would let us," Ally said which caught all of our attention, including Camila.

Mom and Dad just nod and I was about to get up but Camila stop me by gripping my arm, "Stay, please," She beg.

"We'll be quick, Mila," Ally said which made Camila just to watch me while I'm leaving the house with Ally.

When we're finally outside, she look at me serious. "Camila is your sister, Lauren," she started... Looks like I know what I'm getting into this conversation.

"Ally, I know but... I can't, I just can't," I said, its annoyed me a little but I can get through this.

"No, Lauren... This is wrong! Its really wrong, you can't be with your sister!" She said just above her whisper so that no one can hears us.

"I-i don't want to hurt Camila, she's my life, Ally... You know how miserable my life before and when you guys come, its all faded as if I found myself to her and I will always want her, No one can even change that," I try to explain, I know that she won't get it because she is not me and she can't feel what I'm feeling right now.

Tears are starting to fall down to my cheeks, I'm imagining Camila is being Taylor. Its worse than I can even imagine, but the worst is I'm dating my sister.

"I'll give you time, Lauren... I won't tell them the truth, I will respect you," she said which made me to hug her and thank her uncontrollably.

When we enter the house again, I saw mom and Camila having a small conversation with Dad. My heart fell, is this about jealousy? Am i getting jealous to Camila?

"Since that Taylor's room is being demolish 5 years ago, Taylor will be sleeping with you for awhile," Mom said and I saw Ally mouthed a 'Good Luck,' to me before making her way to Camila's room.

"Its Camila, not Taylor," Camila correct which made me to smile at her.

"You are now Taylor Jauregui," Dad said putting his arms around Camila's shoulder and leaving me walking behind them. Great! Just great!

When we're now on the field, I saw dad's car park next into mine.

"Taylor will be joining us in our car," Mom said and I just while making my way to my car.

I buckle my seatbelt and start my engine and quickly make my way to my parents house, I didn't wait for them. 99 km/h is a great speed at night.

When I arrive at my parents house, I quickly throw my shoes aside and go straight to my room. I close the door but not locking it.

I jump in my bed and just lay there for a minutes until I heard a knock. I pretend to be asleep because I don't want to see Taylor.

"Lauren?" Camila, I mean Taylor said trying to wake me up but I didn't move.

I can feel her hand were on my tight and her lips wee close to my neck, "I don't want to lose you..." She suddenly whisper and goosebumps were already running to my skin, "I hope you want the same," she said before laying next to me.

She put her arms around my waist and gently kiss my cheek before falling asleep right beside me. I still pretend to be asleep until the minutes past by.

When I think that she's fully asleep now, I turn around we're now face to face. I peck her lips.

"I wish we can stay like this forever but we can't, Taylor... We can't," I whisper, tears are now falling down to my cheeks and I try hard to stop but I can't so I just let it fall.

"I'm so sorry.... But welcome back, Taylor."

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