~How you meet~Harry

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It was your formal, and somehow your school had manged to get One Direction to be the band to perform. You had the date you had been wanting since you met him, and now you two were finally at your formal together. Most of the night you and your date were sitting down because he was too busy talking to his friends or chatting up other girls. This bothered you but you didn't want to make a big deal out of things, after all it was your formal. You finally managed to get your date to dance with you, it just happened to be that the boys were singing I wish. You had always had a thing for the baby of the group Harry Styles, but seeming all the other girls were falling over him you didn't even bother. You were looking at your date lovingly but he was looking at the pretty girl next to you. "But I see you, with him, slow dancing, taring me apart, cause you don't see, when ever you kiss him I'm breaking ohh how I wish that was me." The boys were singing and you looked up at the band, you noticed Harry was looking directly at you, you thought nothing of it because you thought he was looking at the pretty girl next to you. As the song went off Harry's eyes never left you, your date got sick of dancing before the song even ended an, went and sat back down. You sighed and went to go follow him but was stopped, you felt a gentle grip at your wrist. You turn around to see it was Harry Styles, still singing. You smiled up at him and he spun you around gently. The song finished, and you couldn't believe that Harry Styles spun you around. "hi, I'm Harry, what's your name luv?" he asks sweetly, "y/n" you reply shyly. "why do you look upset it's your formal it's meant to be fun?" he asks, "my dates an ass" you come out and say, "well, I don't have a date so, would you like to be mine?" he asks as he smiles. You smile back at him, "sure but wouldn't you rather someone else?" "nope I want you, would you like to dance?" he says as he offers his hand, and chucks Zayn the microphone. You take his hand and you both end up dancing the rest of the night having fun. All the girls were jelous and so was your date. You didn't care you had fun, and that one night was one of the best nights of your life because now you and Harry are happily married.

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