~Someone sees a Dirty Text~Louis

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You aren't quite sure what it is or why, but, lately you and Louis have just been getting along so well, and you've become extremely close friends. The two of you are always voicing how much you love one another, and fake holding hands and hugging and flirting, but it's all just a big joke. Unfortunately, not everyone understands, and the boys all think that something is going on between the two of you. Today, you've been texting pick up lines back and fourth, cracking yourselves up at the dirtiness of them. 'You have a butter knife? 'Cause I'd love to spread your legs' the text from Louis says. You try not to laugh out loud though, because Harry's over and sometimes he gets very snoopy. 'I've got the F, the C, and the K, now all I need is U' you reply, giggling to yourself. "WHAT ARE YOU SO SMILEY AND GIGGLY ABOUT?!" Harry screams across the room. "Nothing, Harry, calm down!" you retort. Just as he's coming over to check out who you're texting, it becomes very clear when Louis replies. "Oh, so you're texting Lou," Harry giggles, snatching your phone. You tackle him to the ground to try to retrieve it, but it's too late. Harry's already read the last few texts you've sent back and fourth. "See, I knew it," Harry prides himself on what he thinks he's just discovered. "Hmm, cheeky," he says one more time before handing your phone back to you. You roll your eyes and try to explain, but Harry just tells you there's nothing wrong with two kids in love.

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