~He steals your phone~

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"Haz! You little slut!" you turn on your phone to see your background that had once been of stars is now a picture of your boyfriend's bare ass. He laughs and blows you a kiss. "You know you love it," he teases. "Keep laughing! It'll be real funny when I post this on twitter," you joke. His stops laughing and he gasps. "You wouldn't!" You laugh at his stunned expression and shake your head. "Nah, I wouldn't. But stop taking pictures with my phone, I have the 3D version of you right here, Haz."


The loud buzzing of your phone wakes you up from your nap. Curious, you check your messages to see what the fuss is about. "Liam, you absolutely did not just send all of my contacts a picture of me sleeping!" you call out, raising an eyebrow at your adorable boyfriend who is doing a twitcam a few feet away. "They made me do it!" he points towards the laptop screen. "Plus, you look pretty when you sleep." You shake your head and remind yourself to keep your phone locked when you sleep. "Come join in on the twitcam fun, Sleepyhead!" he coaxes.


"Where is my phone?" You lift up the couch cushions, searching for your cell when you hear a familiar Irish laugh coming from nearby. "Niall, what did you do with my phone?" He smiles and hands you your phone. You quickly look through it to see what he did. After checking your messages, nothing, you check your contacts. "Niall! You butt!" you kick his leg softly and can't help but laugh. "Oh, by the way, you have a missed call from Chicken Nugget!" he adds with a smirk.


You laugh at Zayn's joke as you take a bit of your sandwich. What a lovely dinner with Zayn's family! Meeting them for the first time. "This is delicious," you compliment Zayn's mother, when suddenly the song "Sexy And I Know It" starts blasting. "What is that coming from?" you ask, startled but amused. You notice Zayn cracking up and Doniya hiding a laugh. "Err...(Y/N). I think it's coming from your purse!" You see that your phone is the one causing all the sound. "I changed your ringtone while you were in the bathroom. Do you like it? I think it suits you well."

Louis: "Is your refrigerator running? BETTER GO CATCH IT!" You walk into Louis' flat and hear him and Louis hysterically laughing. "Hey, Lou, I left my phone here yester-" you pause, noticing your phone is lying on the table next to a very amused Louis and Harry. "Are you prank calling people on my phone?" you inquire. Harry nods and Louis starts scrolling through your contacts. "Yes, yes we are. We just got off the phone with your grandmother. Lovely woman." You snort, then plop down on the couch next to them. "How about we prank call Zayn next?" you propose.

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