~Valentine's Day~Harry

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"Voila!" Harry announces happily as he unveils the meal he'd prepared for the two of you. "Mmm looks good!" you compliment. Harry picks up your plate to begin serving you. You enjoy a quiet meal together, chatting away about anything and everything. Throughout the dinner, you can't help but keep glancing at the beautiful roses he'd given you that morning that now sit in the center of your kitchen table next to the card that had come with them. "And for dessert," Harry begins after dinner had been cleared and put away, "I thought some of your favorite cake with special icing would be nice." "Special icing?" you question. When he comes from across the kitchen with a piece of cake on a plate for you, you notice the gleam of something sparkly tracing the edge of the dish. As he lowers the plate in front of you, you see the diamond necklace that he's draped around the slice of cake. "Oh my God," you gasp in pleasant surprise. Harry smiles, lifting the necklace from the dish to place it around your neck and fasten it there. "Thank you," you breathe, leaning in to kiss his lips sweetly. "Happy Valentine's Day," he whispers.

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