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You're beat after all of the planning and stressing leading up to this day, not to mention having get up at an unGodly hour and being nervous all morning before finally being married and partying the night away. "You ready for our honeymoon, Mrs. Tomlinson?" Louis asks you, a wide grin on his face as he opens the hotel room door. "More than ready!" you tell him stepping through the now-open door and collapsing onto the bed. You sigh contentedly as Louis lays down next to you. "I can't believe we're here. We're married, and we're in the Bahamas, and we're MARRIED!" you emphasize happily. Louis leans over to give you a kiss. "What should we do first, Mrs. Tomlinson?" He'd been calling you that every time he talked to you since you'd left the reception, and you loved hearing it. "Well, I have one thing in mind," you say seductively, suddenly getting a second wind, despite it being nearly 4:00 in the morning and you having been up for almost 24 hours by now. Louis perks up, definitely interested in the proposal you've placed on the proverbial table. "Are you suggesting we consumate the marriage?" he purrs, raising an eyebrow. "I'm saying that watching you in that tux all day has been torture and now that I finally have you to myself, I want to enjoy it." "Thank God because you in the dress made me want to rip it off you with my teeth." You burst out in laughter, causing Louis to laugh too. He leans in to kiss you again. And again, and again, and again.

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