He Punishes your child

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"Lea!" you hear Louis shout from the living room. "What is this?" he asks sternly. You put down the towel you're in the middle of folding and join your family in the other room. "What's going on?" you inquire. Louis takes a small step to the side to reveal Mia sporting a new look. Your poor dog looks like it got into a fight with a weedwhacker and lost; patches of her fur are cut right off of her coat. "Lea!" you gasp. "Did you do that?" "Yeah, but I was just trying to practice my hair cutting. I wanna be a hairdresser, you know!" your nine year old defends. "Attempting to shave the dog is not exactly the best way to go about that..." Louis grumbles, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "It will grow back," Lea states defiantly. "Hopefully! You're grounded for the weekend, young lady. Call your friend and tell her that you won't be going to her birthday party tomorrow," Louis informs her. "But, Dad, that's not fair!" "Go. Now!" Louis holds firm, sending Lea off into a fit of anger towards her bedroom to pout. "She's gonna hate me for making her miss that party," Louis says on a sigh once Lea's door is shut. "No, she won't. Not forever at least. She'll get over it like she always does," you reassure him before turning your attention to the dog. "Now, about poor Mia..."


Upon returning home from a grocery shopping trip, you're quick to notice that Cole is nowhere in sight as you drop your bags down on the kitchen table. "Where's Cole?" you inquire of your husband, who's standing at the counter fixing a snack for himself and your son. "He's in the den coloring," Niall answers casually. You make your way to the indicated room to find that Cole is indeed coloring - all over the wall. "Niall!" you shout angrily. "Oh, Christ," Niall mutters once joining you in the room. "How long did you leave him alone in here for?" you press, taking the crayon from Cole's hand before picking him up into your arms. "A minute, I swear. I'd been in here and then left for just long enough to throw together that snack," your husband defends. "Have fun," you state simply, handing your two year old over to Niall and leaving the room. "You aren't supposed to color on the walls, Cole," he says firmly. "You have to go in time out for what you did. Now sit in this chair for a few minutes. That's your punishment for coloring on the wall," he tells the young boy as he places him in a corner facing the wall. "And Daddy's punishment is figuring out how to get the crayon off the wall..." he mutters, glancing at the mess in front of him.


As he flicks the small desk lamp on in order to see where he's going, Carson gasps and jumps at the sight of Harry sitting on the couch. "Oh! God, Dad, what are you doing here?" Carson asks. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" Harry interrogates. "Where the hell have you been?" Carson's face sinks guiltily as he replies, "Out." "Out where?" Harry urges. "At a party." Harry nods, taking this in. "So you snuck out of here at nearly 1:00 in the morning so that you cold go out and party till after 4:00... You are sixteen years old! What kinds of parties are these, exactly?" Harry scolds. "Just parties," Carson says with a shrug. "Just parties that you're never going to again," Harry clarifies. "You're grounded until further notice and I'm having the doors and windows alarmed so that you can't sneak out again." "What? Dad, that's so stupid!" Carson argues. "I'm not some kind of criminal. You don't need to keep me under complete house arrest!" "How do I know you aren't a criminal? I don't know what you're doing out there at 4:00 in the morning!" "You're ridiculous," Carson accuses, ending the conversation when he tromps up the stairs to his room, fuming over his punishment.


"Your report card came today," Zayn announces over dinner one evening. Lane's face immediately falls as he mumbles, "Oh man..." He knows what's coming next, which is why he's been trying to intercept the mail for the last week. "You failed two classes?" Zayn questions. "Yeah, but it was just history and biology - nothing I'll ever need to know after high school," Lane reasons. "How do you plan on getting out of high school if you don't pass your classes?" Zayn inquires. "I do fine in everything else. My G.P.A. is still high enough to graduate." "You know you have take these classes again if your final grade in them is also failing, right? You can't just fail classes and forget all about them like it's no big deal," you interject, emphasizing the faults in your son's ideas of how school works. "No, but I can pass them and forget all about them," he replies smugly. Zayn shoots him a disapproving glare before continuing, "Well you'll have plenty of time to study and get your grades up - you're grounded until your next report card comes out," he lays down the law. "What?! That's like two months from now!" "Plenty of time to get caught up and get those grades up," Zayn states simply. "This sucks," Lane pouts, stabbing angrily at his pasta with his fork.


Makenzie is quietly busying herself in her bedroom, playing with her dolls while Liam works in the living room to put together the new coffee table you'd bought. He figures he'll surprise you and have it done by the time you get home from lunch with your friend. Liam smiles to himself as he listens to Makenzie carry on her game with her toys. His smile quickly vanishes when he hears her plastic teacup clatter to the floor, followed by her little voice saying, "Oh shit!" Liam drops the screwdriver from his hand and marches into Makenzie's room. "What did you just say?" he demands calmly. "Nothing!" she quips, knowing full-well that she'd said a bad word. "Makenzie Marie, you know we don't use that kind of language in this house. I don't ever want to hear you say that word or any bad word ever again, do you understand?" Liam tells her sternly. Makenzie nods, her cheeks pinkening in shame. "Now, you know the rules. You get a time out for that. Off you go," he tells his daughter, sending her to the usual time out corner for the next ten minutes. "That girl's been spending too much time with her uncles," Liam muses, smiling and shaking his head.

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