~You go shopping with him~All

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Sorry kittens!><

Buzzzyyyy like a Bee lately.


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You go Shopping with Him


Harry wanted to treat you today and he thought taking you shopping would be the best way to treat you. You both got to the mall and you knew exactly where to go. You went up to your favorite store Forever 21 and began to pick out clothes. Harry clearly didn't know what to do, so he held all of the clothes and walked around with you. You finally went into the dressing room and you tried on everything while Harry waited patiently outside. You came out in your favorite outfit. You picked out a green dress that had lace on the top. You walked out of the dressing room to see Harry on his phone. "Babe what do you think?" You said spinning around happy with the dress. He shook his hair and looked up. His smile grew. "It looks great love." He said. "You really think so? Or are you just saying this just to get out of here faster?" You said with your arms crossed. "No (Y/N) I mean it you look beautiful in that dress." He said and kissed you on the lips. "Alright, but I'm buying it." You said. He laughed. "No I'm buying this beautiful dress for my beautiful girlfriend."


You wanted to go shopping for some new clothes and Liam wanted to come with you so he could approve everything that you tried on. You got to the mall and went to your favorite store H&M. This store was always extremely warm and you didn't want Liam to get too hot so you picked out only a few things to try on. The dressing rooms were also extremely small so Liam waited outside patiently. You tried a few nice shirts, but one stood out the most. It was a pink lace shirt that would go perfect with brown jeans. You decided to show Liam the outfit. "Liam." You called out opening the dressing room door. Liam came into the dressing and stopped when he saw you. "(Y/N) you look beautiful. I love this." He said to you with a smile on his face. "Are you sure? It doesn't make me look weird does it?" You asked showing him each angle of the shirt. "I love it." He said and gave you a reassuring kiss. "Thanks. I'll quickly try on the other things and we can head out." You said closing the door. "Take as much time as you want. I don't mind looking at my beautiful girlfriend." He said and walked back out to the sitting area. You tried on a few more outfits and he said you looked beautiful in all of them. You were about to pay when Liam pulled out his wallet. "You don't need to buy them. I will. Don't argue I want to, because I love you."


You really wanted to go shopping for some new clothes and you thought it would be great to bring Niall along with you. You had to bribe him to take you to the mall, but eventually he said he would come. As soon as you got to the mall you went straight to your favorite store, Delia's. You walked in and immediately knew where to go. Niall began to look around and laughed hard. "Babe there are pictures of me everywhere." He said looking at the poster of One Direction. You completely forgot about Delia's promoting One Direction and you continued to shop. You grabbed a lot of clothes and went into the dressing room. Niall found a couch and sat down. "Babe I'll be right back I want you to try on something." He said leaving the dressing room. You grabbed the flowered romper that you had your eyes on and immediately put it on. He came back into the dressing room and threw a shirt over the door. "Try this on." He said giggling. "Niall I'm showing you something serious first." You said opening the door. Niall was still giggling when he stopped. "You like it?" You asked slightly self conscious. "(Y/N) you look amazing." He said with his lovely Irish accent. "Thanks Niall." You said showing him the entire outfit. "You need to go try on what I picked out." He said giggling again. You rolled your eyes and went back into the dressing room. You looked at the shirt and giggled. You threw on a pair of jeans and came out wearing an I Love Niall shirt. You opened the door giggling and Niall lost it. "I'm buying that for you!" He said through his laughter. You laughed and agreed. "You're not allowed to buy me anything else." You said stern. He laughed again. "Nope I'm buying that other outfit because you looked beautiful." He said. "Fine, but I'm buying food." You said knowing he couldn't deny that. "This is why I love you so much."


Well you didn't really have to ask Louis to go shopping. He was the one that wanted to take you shopping so he could pick out clothes for you. You didn't deny this offer because Louis did have great style. You got to your favorite store Topshop and Louis was off picking out clothes for you. You grabbed a lot of clothes and found Louis in the dressing room waiting for you. "You have to try on all of these clothes. I know you'll look beautiful in them." He said throwing all of the clothes in the dressing room and he sat on the couch right in front of the room and sat. You came out in all of his picks and he gave you good criticism. "Louis this doesn't look that good." You said coming out in one of his favorite picks. "No (Y/N) you're beautiful, it's the clothes that are dreadful. If they can't fit you they can't fit anyone." He said angry with his choices. "Love I picked out a few outfits. How about I show you those." You said with a smile. You quickly grabbed the white dress that you knew would look great. You came out of the room and did a spin. It was a gorgeous white dress and the entire back was lace. Louis looked up and smiled. "Wow you look beautiful. I love it." He said and gave you a kiss. "I knew it would be a good choice." You said giggling. "Well I think this looks beautiful on you. Now we need to get accessories for it." He said off looking for necklaces and belts to match. Five minutes later you had the perfect outfit. "I'll go pay." You said and Louis grabbed your waist. "That was funny, but you should leave me to crack the jokes and to buy this for you. I love you and trust me when you look that fabulous I have to take credit for buying it."


You wanted to take Zayn shopping with you, but he wasn't all about the idea. You literally had to drag him out of bed to get him to come shopping with you. After twenty minutes of arguing with him he finally cracked. He took you to the mall and you were off to H&M. You grabbed a few mice clothes and went right to the dressing room. Zayn lingered behind you moping and looking around awkwardly. "Zayn please try to have fun. I need new clothes." You said walking into the dressing room. "Fine, but it's because I love you." He said and gave you a peck on the lips. You went to your favorite piece and immediately tried it on. It was a maroon sweater and you paired it with black jeans. You knew Zayn would love it. "So Zayn what do you think?" You said walking out with confidence. Zayn wasn't there. You got furious and immediately slammed the door. "(Y/N)." Zayn yelled from outside of the dressing room. "What Zayn. I don't even want to talk about it." You said upset with your boyfriend. "I grabbed you a shirt that I thought you would like." He said trying to make you feel better. You opened the door and walked over to him. He saw your outfit and smiled. "I love it. You look beautiful in this outfit." Zayn said and pulled you in for a hug. You let out a small laugh. "Thanks babe." You said. You looked up at him and he kissed you. "I really want you to try this on." He said holding up the shirt. You rolled your eyes and quickly pulled on the tank top with prints all over it. "It's so cute." You said walking out of the dressing room. "I love it." He said again and smiled. "I'm all done with this store let me got change and I'll pay." You said walking back into the dressing. "No no no you forced me out of bed this morning and I was miserable to you. The least I could do is pay for your clothes. I'm going to pay not you so don't even argue with me." He said you didn't feel like fighting so you let him. "And because I love you."

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