Making Dinner

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Please read my new Fanfiction! His kitten h.s. Thks !

Louis: Today was Thursday. You and Louis always had dinner together on Thursdays, because most other days in the week saw you both working all day. Louis had been in the studio laying down some vocal tracks with Harry all week. Since Monday, he'd be going in at about nine and not leaving until the wee hours of the morning. Today, he has a free day, which is an especially good thing because he's developed a sore throat from vocals all week. You decided to make him soup just for that reason. You had been in the kitchen for about thirty minutes or so, cutting up things like celery, potatoes, cilantro, and carrots. You were using one of your mam's recipes, and the special ingredient was the carrots. They gave it a sweet flavor to balance out the spicy cilantro. You told Louis to go watch some tv, and you'd take care of everything. However, after thirty or so minutes, Louis finds himself wandering into the kitchen. "Oi, babe? Do you need any help?" he asks sweetly, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Actually, I think I'm finished with all the preparations. You can just watch if you'd like," you reply. Louis sits up on the counter space next to the stove, swinging his legs back and forth. He watched you intently, the display was equal to that of a small child watching their mam in the kitchen. You smiled at this thought. You dump in the ingredients one by one; Carefully, mind you, as not to splash out the boiling broth. You'd finally gotten to the carrots, but just as you were about to drop them in, Louis interjected. "No!" Louis protested, "I absolutely hate carrots!" You stop mid motion, frowning at him. "I thought you were obsessed with carrots? Remember all the fuss the fans have put up over 'I like girls who eat carrots!'?" you question, your eyebrow cocks up in confusion. "I just randomly said that, babe. I swear, I really don't like carrots," he assures you. You set them back down on the cutting board and sigh. "Well, I guess the soup will just taste wonky then. They're supposed to be in there," you conclude. "It's alright, Love. It'll taste great made it after all," he says, taking your hand and smiling. He gives you a peck on your lips and continues watching you.

Zayn: About a week before the current date, you'd made plans for Zayn's family to come over and have dinner with you two. You'd just moved into a new flat together, and Zayn's mother wasn't very pleased about it. She's a very traditional woman, and you two living together before marriage goes against everything she lives by. You decided you absolutely had to impress her, and so you Googled some traditional Islamic recipes. After a few minutes, one came up that seemed easy enough: Lamb, beef, or chicken kabobs over rice. You decided on'd always helped your father marinade chicken when you were younger, so you knew a thing or two. And how hard could it be to make rice? You got to work, transferring the chicken from the freezer to the microwave to thaw, then you pulled a bag of rice out of the pantry. You set up the rice to boil, and pulled the chicken out of the microwave and into a plastic bag with the marinade. After a while everything was coming together nicely. Zayn sauntered into the kitchen, finally ready. He'd been cooped up in your shared bedroom for quite some time, showering and getting ready. "Ahhh, I see you've finally emerged from the cave," you joke. He playfully swats your bum and laughs. "Oh hush, you. It smells amazing in here! What are you making?" He asks. "Well I decided that since I really want your mam to like me, I'd try and impress her, so I made chicken kabobs on rice. I just have to find the skewers, and quick because everyone's supposed to be here in about five minutes," you say, glancing at the clock hanging over the stove. Zayn's face suddenly goes pale. "Well, uhh...babe? You see...the lads were over the other day, and we were kind of playing with the wooden skewers...and umm...Louis kind of got mad because we were making fun of him and snapped them in half," he explains, anxiety taking over his features. "What did you say?" you narrow your eyes threateningly. "I'm sorry! I had no idea what they were for, I swear!" he tries to defend himself. You hear the doorbell ringing off in the distance.Shit, they're here and I haven't done anything right. His mam's gonna hate me forever!Zayn runs to get the door, and you're left in the kitchen to put the food on the table. You dab the tears of frustration from you eyes and take a deep breath.It'll be fine,you think to yourself. His family comes in, and you go to greet them, showing them around the new flat for a few minutes. Finally, you all sat at the table, and had your meal. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, especially Zayn's youngest sister. She complimented you on it throughout the entire duration of the meal. Once everyone was finished, you cleared the table and excused yourself to clean the dishes. You teared up a bit while you were working. You were almost sure Zayn's mam hated you now as she hadn't said hardly one word to you all night. You hear the kitchen door open, and you look up. You were a bit surprised to see Zayn's mam. She came over to you and silently started drying the dishes you'd just finished washing. After a few minutes, she breaks the silence. "So...Zayn told me that you made the meal in hopes of winning my affection," she says nonchalantly. "Something like that," you say with an awkward smile. "Well, you've done a fantastic job. I'm very impressed. With everything. Dinner was perfect, your home is beautiful, and Zayn seems happier than he's ever been. You're doing a fantastic job, Love. I'm very proud of you," she says, pausing the drying to wrap her arm around you in a hug. You broke out into a huge smile and threw both your arms around her neck. "Thank you so much! That means a lot coming from you," you exclaim. You returns your hug with equal enthusiasm. Over his mam's shoulder, you see Zayn standing in the door way watching. He gives you a thumbs up and blows you a kiss. You finally feel accepted.

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