How he wakes you up

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Zayn: It was rare that Zayn was up before you, but when he was he took full advantage of it. He opened the curtains as soon as he woke up, and then stood in front of the window. "What a morning!" he called, and you rolled over. "Y/N, time to get up boo" he turned to you, and walked your side of the bed. "Let's go, we can have tea" he recommended through your groans. After a few minutes of him coaxing you out of bed, you got up and had a tea with him. He then spent the day gloating about getting up before you and complaining about being tired because of the extra five minutes he was awake.

Louis: Louis was not the most pleasant wake up call. He came in your room and grab your arms and pulled you up. "Y/N, let's go you lazy butt" he called as he pulled you up to sitting position. He forced you to stand up, your eyes still closed. "Get up or I will pour water on your head" he said, and you nodded. He walked away, and you crawled back into bed. A few minutes later, Louis came in to check on you. He grabbed your blanket and yanked it off you. "Louis screw off!" you growled, and he laughed. "Come here babe" he said, pulling you on his lap. You cuddled up and he let you sleep, for a few minutes, as he rubbed your hair out of your face.

Niall: "Babe" Niall whispered. You had heard him whisper to you six times now, but you were choosing to try and stay asleep. "Y/N" he whispered again, this time shaking your shoulder. You rolled your eyes and opened them to see Niall's face inches from yours. "What baby?" you asked, trying to ignore your frustration. "Well, I have been up for two hours and I'm hungry but I can't cook breakfast as well as you so..." he trailed off, and you smiled. How could you say no to him? "Can you get me a sweater?" you asked, and Niall nodded as he rushed to grab one of his sweaters. He handed it to you and kissed your forehead as you crawled out of bed to make him breakfast.

Harry: "Time to wake up" Harry whispered from above you. You squeezed your eyes shut, not ready to get out of bed yet. "Open your eyes, beautiful" he whispered again and you turned your face. You just wanted a few more minutes. You felt Harry's large, cold hand against your cheek as he turned you to face him. Your eyes fluttered open and Harry was straddling you, his face directly above yours. He leaned down and kissed you, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He slid his hand under your head and pulled you up as he leaned back, sitting you up. He broke apart and smiled. "Good morning kitten, how did you sleep?" he asked, and you smirked. "Wonderfully, how about you?" you responded as Harry got out of bed, pulling you with him. "Almost as good as waking you up" he smiled as he led you to the kitchen for breakfast.

Liam: You were half awake and you could feel Liam kissing your neck softly. Between each kiss, he would softly whisper your name. You were turned away from him, and safe to let out a peaceful smile. He slowly moved from the base of your neck, to behind your ear, to your cheek. "Y/N" he whispered in your ear, and you decided to give in and let your eyes open. The room was dark, Liam had drawn the thick curtains and all the lights were off. "Hi" you whispered, raspy. "You are breathtaking when you first wake up" Liam said, smiling sweetly. You blushed, and he kissed your forehead. "There's breakfast in the kitchen, unless..." his thought trailed, but you knew what he was suggesting. "Well, let's just cuddle here for a bit" you said, and he pulled you in close with a smile. You two talked about anything you had dreamt about that night before getting up for pancakes.

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