~School's STRESSING you out~ZAYN

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You stare at your homework to-do list for the hundredth time today, and each time you see it, you want to just curl up in a ball and cry. You have no idea how you're ever going to get all these essays and projects done on time. Zayn takes notice to your stressed-out state. He takes it upon himself to make you a cup of hot chocolate, and as he places it down on the desk in front of you, you smile for the first time all afternoon. "What'cha got there?" Zayn questions, pointing to the laundry-list of things yet to be completed. "Ohh, you know, just everything that needs to be done in the next eleven days..." you say sarcastically casually. "Eesh, that looks hefty," he states unhelpfully. "Gee, thanks for the encouragement," you deadpan. Zayn picks up a pencil and jots down a few notes on your list. When he pulls back, you look at what he's written to find that he's made a note of which day to do each part of every assignment on. You smile gratefully. "That actually really helps to have it broken down like that," you tell him appreciatively. He plants a kiss on the top of your head. "Glad I could help," he tells you as he makes his way out of the room once more, leaving you to your work.

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