~He thnks you're sleeping~Liam

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He woke up in a cold sweat, awoken from an insanely great wet dream about you. Even in the dawn of the night, Liam can see you with your back turned and chest rising. Then, he noticed he was sporting a woody in his boxers. He contemplated waking you for help, but decided he would have to do this on his own. So, he did his business and stared getting vocal. Your eyes popped open when you hear a loud, "Unf! Oh (Y/N)..." "Liam?" You jump up and nearly falling off the bed, because Liam is literally wanking two centimeters away from you. Liam quickly fixes himself and blushes tomato red. For a second, neither of you two can say anything. "So...," Liam starts, "wanna help me finish what I started?"

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