~How you meet~Louis

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You were at the park with your niece, she was only 3 so you were pushing her on the swings, and playing with her. She had wanted to go on the sand pit but there was a little girl who was about 2 there, and you didn't know how your niece got along with other kids younger than her. "y/n, please can we go to the sand pit?" she asks fluttering her eye lashes, "alright come on" you say as you lift her up and walk to the sand pit. You place her on the edge, and take notice that there was a very good lookin man playing with the little girl. It took you a while to realize who he was, he was Louis from One Direction. "Sweetie be careful of the little girl" you say to your niece, who nodded and started to play by her self. You noticed that the little girl started to go towards your niece and play with her sandcastle she has built. "lux, come back to uncle Louis" Louis says, "leave the little girls castle" he says sweetly and Lux hits your nieces castle and it breaks, your niece looks at you with watery eyes. "I am really sorry for her" he says to you, "that's fine, it's just a castle" you say smiling at him, "y/n" your niece starts to whine, "it's okay, here we will make another one" you say and sit in the sand with her and help her build another one, while Louis starts a conversation with you. "I was wondering did you want to get a coffee just me and you?" "yeah that would be nice, when are you free?" you ask, "are you free tonight and I'll take you out for dinner instead?" "yeah sure" you say smiling as he plays with your niece and Lux at the same time. "would you like to go get an ice cream, and I'll give you my number?" Louis asks, "yeah sure" you say and you both pick up the girls, and walk to the ice cream parlor. After that day you and Louis had been together, and you decided that at your Nieces 21st you would tell the story how a 3 year old managed to start a relationship just by wanting to play in the sand pit.

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