~How you meet~ Liam

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You had been out with friends at a club but left early because you were tired. You had just stepped out of the door and a fight had broken out, and you managed to get out of their way before you got hit. You were walking to grab a taxi and felt someone grab you. You flinched as you got scared not knowing who has grabbed you, "hey there" a man says, you were scared so tried to get out of his grip, but he was too strong. "let me go" you said, "what's your name gorgeous?" he slurs, "let me go" you yelled squirming trying to get away. "no" he says harshly, and goes to kiss you but you do everything you can to move, "let go of me" you cry. "you heard the lady let go of her" you hear another man say, "why should I, I found her first." the man says as he still has a tight grip on you. "because she doesn't want you, now I'm saying let go of her" the nice man states. The man who had a tight grip on your refused, and the nice man stepped in and punched him out. The man ended up waking away after a few punches had been thrown. "are you okay?" the nice man asks, you were too scared to answer him, you just stood there. "it's okay I'm not going to hurt you, I'm Liam" he says sweetly smiling. He looked like someone you knew, "from One Direction?" you question as you click. "that's me, what's your name luv?" "y/n" you say shyly still a little scared, "that's a beautiful name for a beautiful lady like you, do you have a way to get home?" "thank you, uhh yeah I'll get a taxi" you say, "if you're okay I was wondering if you wanted to go get a hot chocolate, I can drive you home. But you don't have to I understand?" Liam states very politely. You thought about the suggestion, "yeah sure" you smile, "are you sure I mean I don't want you to feel forced or anything?" "no it's fine, it's the least I can do seeming you just saved me" "okay, my car is this way, I'm just taking you to the coffee shop at the corner" "that's fine" you reply and you walk with Liam. You two ended up getting hot chocolates and going for a nice walk, it was a little cold and Liam have you his jacket to keep you warm. A late night incident involving a drunken man, turned into a long lasting relationship.

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