~I promise~ All

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Do help me to promote on twitter and so on... Same goals as usual 2.4K. Love ya.


"Shut up, Harry!" I giggled, throwing a pillow and hitting him softly in the head. "I'm being serious!"

"You can't expect me to take that seriously, Y/N!" He said, laughing at my quickly reddening cheeks.

"Just promise!" I said sliding to his end of the couch. "Promise me that we'll always be best friends, that what we have won't ever change."

"Y/N, you're already so much more than my best friend. You're my everything. I made that promise a long time ago, to you and myself."

"Really?" I asked smiling warmly and glancing down at my hands. He slowly reached out to me and grabbed my hands in his much larger ones, pulling them to his lips and placing a feather light kiss.

"I promise."


"How can you be so sure, Y/N?" Liam yelled. "How can you know that I'm like every other guy you've dated? How can you be sure that what we have isn't going to last?"

"Because, Liam!" I yelled back. "These things don't end well for me! They never have and I'm not going to let myself be stupid enough to think it would be any different with you!" I turned away, ready to leave this argument with minimal damage when Liam's hand caught my wrist.

"It can be." He whispered.

I breathed in and out, closing my eyes before replying. "It can be what?"

"It can be different, what you and I have. I know it can. We can make this work. It can be different, Y/N, because it already is. I've never had anyone like you in my life and I don't plan on letting you go so easily." He pulled my arm lightly and I turned to face him. Tears threatened to push from behind my tightly closed eye lids.


"I promise."


"Come on, Y/N, you choose truth, now answer the question!" Louis said, barely containing his laughter.

"No, Lou, it's so embarrassing!" I said, covering my beat red face with my hands. He reached over and pulled them away.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about, Y/N. It's just a simple question: Do you masturbate?" He asked a huge grin illuminating his entire face as he tried to hold back his laughter.

I groaned, falling back against the pillow I had on the floor. "I'm not answering that! It's such an awkward question! What would ever compel you to ask that?"

"Because I just want to know if I've been getting the job done on my own, or maybe I have to step it up a bit." A devilish grin flashed across his features.

"Promise not to laugh?" I asked. He nodded his head quickly. "And this never leaves this room. Okay?"

He stuck out his pinky finger, wrapping it around my own. "I promise."


"I just want to hold you here forever." Niall whispered into my ear. The sun had just begun to crack through the curtains. He twirled a piece of my hair in between his fingers. "I don't want to have to leave. Especially for three months."

I sighed, turning to face his Caribbean blue eyes. "I don't want you to leave either, but you have to. This is your dream and I can't be the one to keep you from it."

He took in a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair, turning it almost completely brown. "I just don't want to leave you here. Plus I'll be lonely."

I laughed a little. "Lonely? You'll be surrounded by four other idiots that have been your best friends for three years."

He let out a brief laugh. "I know, just-just promise you won't forget me while I'm away."

I grabbed his hand, lacing his fingers with my own. "I promise."


I pulled Zayn closer as we swayed to the gentle rhythm of the music. Closing my eyes, I laid my head on his shoulder. "Y/N?" He asked softly.


"Do you ever think about a future, you know, about us, I mean."

I looked up at him shocked. "What brought that on?"

"It's just, I feel like things are really serious between us, that we could have a future. And I want to know if you ever think about us in the future the way I do." He said in a rush.

I smiled, looking into his eyes. "Of course I do, Zayn. You're the only future thing I'm sure about." He sighed with relief. "Just promise me something, okay?"

He nodded his head, waiting for me to continue. "Just don't break my heart, I'm fragile."

He laughed lightly, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "I promise."

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