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You and Liam were at a museum. You were looking at different exhibits and you were totally mesmerized by all the cool ancient artifacts. Liam seemed less amused, shuffling his feet and groaning. Apparently he wasn't the only one not interested in it, because there wasn't a soul in the museum besides the odd security guard. "Look Li" you said, calling him over to an exhibit. "This is a fossil of a bird from, like, 300 BC. Isn't that insane? You know, I think its so crazy that the world has been around so long. You know, like, that it got all the way" your train of thought ended. Liam was kissing you, and the fossil meant nothing now. Knowing you were alone, you kissed him back. You rubbed your hand in his hair and he ran his hand up your back, under your shirt. "Um excuse me" you heard from behind you, and you broke your kiss. There was an elderly security guard standing there. "I am so sorry" Liam said, taking your hand. You two bolted out of the museum, laughing and blushing.

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