~He Says goodbye as he leaves for tour~All

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Do still promote and let me love u:)


You kept your head down as you and Niall walked into the airport hand in hand. The boys had just finished the UK part of the tour and they were heading to the Europe leg. You guys go to the waiting area and sat down the rest of the boys hadn't shown up yet. You guys sat down and just held each other. Silence took over because neither of you wanted to say goodbye just yet. After about an hour everyone else showed up and it was almost time for them to board their private jet. Just then Paul came to tell the boys it was time to go. Niall pulled you into his embrace and held you there for a moment. When he pulled out of the hug he said, "I'll miss you, babe. I love you. I'll call you when we land and whenever I can okay?" You nodded because you didn't trust your voice, you felt tears forming. "Talk to me, babe. I want to hear your voice before I leave." he said. "I love you too, Ni. I'll miss you so much. Have a safe flight." you said, finally looking him in the eyes. "Niall, let's go." Paul said, patting his back. Niall pulled you into another hug and gave you a long kiss before he walked away. He looked back at you right before he enter the terminal and mouthed an 'I love you" before he disappeared. It was going to be a long few months but you knew that your guys would be fine.


You guys weren't really saying goodbye because you would be joining him in a week after your classes end. But there was still that week you guys would be apart and that would be hard considering the fact that this is the first tour he's going on since you moved in with him. "Zayn, how much longer until you get picked up?" you asked, from the bathroom where you were getting ready. "Less than ten minutes, YN. Come here and spend it with me since I won't see you for a week, please?" he said, from the bedroom. You walked out and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, you placed yourself between his legs. His arms wrapped around your waist while yours went around his neck. "I'm going to miss you. It's only week but I got use to having you with me all the time." he said, looking up at you showing sadness in his eyes. "Zayn, it's a week. We can skype whenever we get a chance. You can help me with my studying." you joked and you saw him crack a smile. "Eh, maybe." "Maybe, huh? Well maybe I'll go to you next week." you said. He laughed and pulled you close, "I was joking, love." The next five minutes flew and soon enough someone was knocking at your door. You helped Zayn to the door. One of the security guards took his bags while Zayn turned to you and pulled you into a hug. "See you next week, YN. I'll miss you so much." he murmured into your hair. "Okay, I'll miss you more." He laughed and pulled away, giving you a kiss, and saying "Not a chance. I'll call you when I land. I love you." He gave you one last kiss and headed out the door. You felt the tears coming as you yelled an 'I love you' to him as he got into the car. He waved one last time as the car took off down the road. "Just one week YN. You guys can handle it" you told yourself and went back inside.


You and Louis had spent the whole day before he left together because he would be leaving early the next morning. You wouldn't be driving Louis to the airport because he didn't want you driving all hours of morning. You guys had laid in bed until the afternoon, just talking and holding on to each other. When you got up Louis ordered a lot of take out food and you guys got out all of your favorite movies. Movie after movie playing on the screen. You guys had been in and out of each others embrace the whole time. Not wasting any time you had left together. At the end of the night you guys laid in the bed but sleep didn't come easy. "Are you still awake YN?" Lou asked. "Yeah." "What's on your mind, love?" You didn't say anything right away. He pulled you closer to him, "Tell me." "I'm just thinking about you leaving." you confessed, a small sob falling as the words came out. "Babe, you can visit and we will talk all the time. I'll see you during the breaks. Everything will be fine." he said, reassuring you. "Okay." was the last thing you said before you fell into deep sleep. You heard Louis rushing around the room and you realized he was about to leave so you got up. He stopped you by sitting next to your side of the bed. "Don't get up. The car is outside and I have to head down. I'll call you when I land, okay?" he said, pulling you into his embrace. "Okay. I'll miss you, Louis." He pulled away and gave you a kiss. "I'll miss you, too. I love you, YN. Don't forget that. I'll see you soon." he said, getting up and giving you one last kiss before he walked out of the bedroom. You laid back down and heard the front door close, it was going to be a long month until you go see him again. You fell asleep again until you got a text from Louis, we're boarding, babe. I'll call later. Love you.! Bye babe :* -Lou. You missed him already but you told yourself that everything would be okay.


You guys were on your way to the airport, Harry was driving. He held your hand in his, while his other was controlling the car. When you guys got to the airport you went around back to get to the private plane. He park and turned his attention to you. You kept looking out the window because you weren't prepared for another goodbye. "YN, look at me please?" he said while nudging your arm and putting his head on your shoulder. He started kissing your neck, making you giggle."There's the smile I fell in love with." he said. "I'm going to miss you so much, silly." you said, resting your head on top of his. "I'll miss you too, lovey" You guys stayed like that for a few minutes, listening to each others breathing and playing with each others hands. "Let's go." he said, climbing out of the car with you following lead. You guys got to the back of his Range Rover and got his stuff out. Security went to go check his stuff. He held onto you and stared into your eyes. You could see tears forming in his eyes and you felt them in yours. He rested his forehead on yours and let a tear slip. "I can't leave you." "You're not leaving me, babe. We will see each other soon. I need to share you with the fans. You'll have loads of fun. And remember I'm visiting you soon." you reassured him. "I love you." he said, giving you a kiss. "I love you,too." Niall came up to you guys, "Hi YN. Harry it's time to go. Bye, YN see you soon." He said giving you a quick hug before leaving. Harry hugged you one last time, saying goodbye, and walking to the plane. You went back tot he car and pulled out, so that the airplane could leave. When you got a text from Harry, but didn't check it until you got home, saying I'll call you when we land. Love and miss you, baby. -H. You smiled at his text and went about your day, it was definitely weird knowing he wasn't going to be home for a while but you understood that it was his job. No matte what you would stick by his side, metaphorically speaking.


It was late evening and you guys were at the airport with Paul. Liam had asked to leave later than the rest of the boys so he could spend more time with you. Paul stayed behind to wait for Liam. You guys were sitting in the private waiting area while Paul went to go check them in. There was a bunch of fans outside when you arrived but the area you guys were in was blocked off so you guys could say goodbye without any interruptions. You guys sat and talked for awhile before Paul came back and told Liam they needed to go board the plane, he said goodbye to you, and left you guys alone. "I guess this is it, huh?" he said, looking a little sad. "It's only for a bit, Li." "I know but you, my dear, are going to be hard to live without." he smiled and you laughed. "Well, you are going to be hard not to miss." You guys hugged and gave each other small kisses here and there. He laid one finally kiss on your lips. "I love you, YN YMN YLN." "I love you too, Liam James Payne." "Goodbye, sweetie." "Not goodbye, Li. See you later." He smiled at your words and said, "See you later, babe. I'll call when I land." he said, giving you one last hug and heading over to Paul. You walked out of the airport with paps and fans questioning you but you ignored then and went to your car. As you started the car you got twitter notification, "@Real_Liam_Payne: I already miss you, @ytn :((( America are you ready?! :)" you tweeted back, "I miss you too @Real_Liam_Payne :( American fans y'all are lucky ;)" With that you drove off back to the house that you will be alone in for a couple months.

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