You cuss infront of him

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Harry: "Fuck!" You exclaimed, jumping around on one foot as you held your other toe. You accidentally walked into the coffee table, your big toe hitting off of it, and it really hurt. Harry walked into the living room, disapproving look on his face. "Babe, please don't cuss." He frowned, walking towards you. "I'm sorry, i hurt my toe." You pouted. "Aw, babe. Sit down, do you want ice?" He asked, sitting you down on the couch. "It's fine, let's just cuddle." You suggested, patting the space beside you on the couch.

Liam: As soon as you walked into your flat, you turned to shut the door, forgetting you hand was still on the frame, the door whacked your hand, jamming it. You let out and ear piercing scream along with a string of profanities, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" You felt tears rise in your eyes. "Fucking bastard." You said, the tears slipping down your cheeks. "Hey, why all the cussing?" Liam asked, now standing behind you. "My hand." You cried, showing him your red hand. "Baby." He pouted, forgetting about the fact you cussed and getting you ice for your hand. He cuddled you on the couch, holding the ice on your hand before deciding to take you to E&R, to discover you had broke your hand.

Louis: You had tried to make dinner for you and Louis, but had ruined everything when you burnt it. "Ah, shit." You said, pulling the burnt chicken from the oven and throwing it in the bin. "Did i just hear you right?" Louis head popped around the side of the kitchen door. "Huh?" You asked, not paying attention as you washed your hands. "You just cussed. Please don't cuss." He said, walking towards you, his arms wrapping around your waist. "What happened?" He asked. "I burnt dinner. I'm sorry." You frowned, feeling bad. He just chuckled, "We can order dinner tonight." So, you ordered pizza for dinner that night.

Niall: "Shit." You mumbled, looking down at the broken plates. "Shit, shit, shit." You repeated only slightly louder. "Stop cussing. I don't like it when you cuss." Niall said, stopping at the kitchen door, his gaze falling to the floor. "I'm sorry." You apologised for breaking the plates and cussing. He just shook his head, walking across the broken shards and lifting you, carrying you to the living room and placing you on the couch. "You wait here, i'll go clean the mess." He told you, kissing your forehead before walking into the kitchen to clean the mess you made.

Zayn: "I'm just fucking pissed off." You complained into the phone, to your best friend. Before she could answer, Zayn had your phone, telling her you'd have to call her back. "No. My girlfriend will not cuss." He pouted, sitting your phone on the bedside table. "I'm sorry i'm just pi-" Zayn's eyebrows raised and you bit your tongue, "Angry." "Well, tell me about it." He said, his arms wrapping around you waist as he pulled you onto the bed, kissing your cheek. So, you ranted, and he actually listen, nodding and telling you what he though.


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