~Your first date<LOUIS POV

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Louis's P.O.V

Today was the day. My first official date with Y/N. I was nervous, uncharacteristically. Usually I could keep calm when meeting new girls, but this one was something special. I figured, seeing as it was a warm day, ice cream would be a good idea. And that brought me to where I was now, driving down her street towards her complex. If it weren't for the steering wheel, my hands would be shaking. I pulled into the spot in front of her building and got out. I reached across the seat and grabbed the flowers I had bought her. I rushed up the stairs to her door, and knocked twice. I heard a bang, and then the door opened. "Hi" she smiled, and I smiled back. "Hi, these are for you" I said, shoving the flowers towards her. "Oh they're beautiful Louis! Thank you" she said, smelling them. "I'm going to put them in a vase, come in" she said, and I walked in nervously. I slipped my shoes off and followed her into the kitchen. "Hmm, let's see. Lavender rose, coriander flower and white tulips. Lavender roses mean 'love at first sight', the tuplips signify 'one sided love' and the coriander means 'lust'" she smirked, putting them in a glass vase. "I, uh, I just kind of picked what I thought was pretty" I said, nervously. She raised an eyebrow at me, and my heart raced. "I'm kidding, goofball" she laughed, and I exhaled. As the panic washed away, I smiled wide. She had a sense of humour, and a good one. And she was smart. This girl was something else. "Alright, should we go?" she asked, placing the bouquet on the table. "Sure, absolutely" I said eagerly, and she smirked. We walked out to my car, and we drove off. "What ice cream place are we going to?" she asked, smiling wide. "Amorino" I replied, and the smile slid off. I had shut down the conversation. Never give a one word answer, I knew that. I was just so nervous and she was so beautiful and smart and funny. "I heard it's really good. Apparently they have some old Italian guy in the back making it all by hand" I smirked, and she smiled again. I would do anything to see that smile. We pulled up to the shop and she took my arm as we walked in. "Hello, what can I get you two" the server asked. "Go" I whispered, and she looked at the flavours. "I am going to get a waffle cone of the chiccolato amorino" she smiled, and I nodded. "I am going to get the cone of pistachio sublime" I said, and she smirked. "Good choice" she whispered. We took our cones outside and ate on the patio. We talked and talked, and it was really nice to just be with her. She kept laughing at all my jokes, and her giggles were beautiful. I would be thrilled to hear that laugh all day long. "That was good" she smiled, and I nodded in agreement. "Well, we can head back if you want" I offered, and she shrugged. "Do you have plans?" she asked. "I am taking this girl Gwen here in an hour, so nothing until then. Just thought I'd test it out before, you know?" I said, and she jerked her head back. "Wait, what?" she asked, and I looked down. "Payback's a bitch" I whispered, and her jaw dropped. "Louis Tomlinson" she said, hopping up. I jumped up too and grabbed her waist. "Let's go watch movies" I said, and she shook her head laughing. We spent the whole afternoon at her flat watching movies. It was getting late, and I had to leave. "Well, make sure you call me if you have free time between the band and Gwen" she said, and I smiled wide. "I will try to squeeze you in" I smirked, and she rolled her eyes. "Bye Louis" she whispered in my ear as we hugged. "Bye love" I whispered back, slipping out. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I drove home.


Is there Louis Lovers around?hahah..


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