Your inside joke together

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Harry: The biggest inside joke between you and Harry was, whenever One Direction would come on the radio, you would act out being the guys. When Louis would sing, you would pretend to play with suspenders. When Zayn came on, you gave the smolder. Liam brought out puppy dog eyes and Niall would either be a lot of jumping around or pretending to eat. When it was Harry, you would flip your hair and shake it around. It was a lot of fun, and you two got a huge kick out of it. Eventually the boys caught on, and they got a good laugh out of it too.

Zayn: You weren't necessarily the type to cake on make up. In saying that, you never loved going out with celebrities. You felt awkward in a lot of make up, and they always seemed to wear it better. One time, while you were out, Zayn turned to you and whispered 'vanilla' in your ear. You didn't get it, but he explained after that there was a cake face girl and he whispered hoping you'd make the connection. From then on, whenever you two saw a girl wearing far too much make up, you or Zayn would shout a random cake flavour. Nobody ever got it, which made it way more fun.

Louis: You and Louis were prankers, but the best inside joke (or inside prank) for you two was flipping each other's things upside down. You would walk into the bedroom and find your alarm clock flipped upside down. He would get in his car and you had flipped all his pictures over. It was funny for whoever did the flipping to see the other's reaction, and you two would do it to the other guys and laugh about it together.

Liam: For you and Liam, your inside joke was trying to get away with wearing each other's clothes. You had managed to go a whole day in Liam's jeans once, and it was on since then. If nobody questioned your clothes, you won the day. You almost always did, because Liam couldn't pull off your girly clothes. Overall though, it was the fun of it. You would always giggle when Liam would come out with a pair of your sunglasses on. It may have been weird to everyone else, but you two loved to test the waters like that.

Niall: You and Niall were the corniest people in the world. The inside joke between you two was saying 'psych' every time you said anything remotely untrue. "You can have the last slice of pizza... psych!" People made fun of you two, saying that was so nineties. What they didn't know was that Maura had said it one time when she was joking around about something. You burst out laughing when you heard her use it and you and Niall joked about it all the time. Since then, "psych" was the most commonly used word in both your vocabularies.

a/n: please keep voting, double update. PROMOTE it 2 :). Next update: 16k views and 10+ votes. Joey x :)

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