~You do dares on twitcam~HARRY

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"Alright, who here agrees that Harry is making this chat insanely boring?" you ask the fans one night while trying to engage them more. Up until now, Harry had just been reading what the fans had been saying, occasionally answering the questions that intrigued him. But even you were getting bored with this. Harry's looking at you curiously, waiting to hear your idea. "I think you guys should send us in some of your best dares and we'll do some of them!" you chirp happily and Harry adopts a cheeky grin. "That could get very interesting," he says suggestively. "Don't even go there. Those are not the kinds of dares I had in mind by any means," you reprimand, shooting down any idea for dirty dares he might have had. You look to the computer screen where the dares are already pouring in. "Oo! Oo! Here's a good one! Harry, you're being dared to run around with your underwear over your pants saying 'I'm Captain Underpants!' Let's see you do that one, shall we?" you ask him, not giving him much chance to say no, even if he'd wanted to. He laughs and gets up to fetch a pair of underwear from the bedroom. When he returns moments later, he's got the underwear on over his pants and has even taken it upon himself to secure a towel around his neck like a cape. "I'm Captain Underpants!" he announces as he re-enters the room. "That's a good look for you," you joke as he begins "flying" around the room, making swooshing noises as he does. "You know your fans will never let you live this down, right?" you question. He laughs and nods, responding, "That's why I gotta make it worth it." You decide to start the fun by snapping a picture on your phone and uploading it to twitter so that even the fans who aren't able to watch can have a taste of what's going on in your kitchen at the moment.

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