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"What should we do today, babe?" you ask, sipping your orange juice and looking through a list of all the tousity activities offered in the area. "Ughhhhh," Zayn responds, throwing his pillow over his face to shield him from the morning sunlight pouring in through the window. "What time is it?" he croaks out in his sleep-laden voice. "7:00am, let's get a move on. The day's a'wastin'!" you tell him, sounding way too perky for that hour of the morning. "Ughhhh," he groans again. "How about we just go back to bed for a while?" he suggests. "Zayn, come on," you say pulling the pillow from his face, "this is our honeymoon; we're supposed to be out there enjoying it!" "What's so bad about being in here, enjoying it?" You laugh and smack him in the face with the pillow. "There will be plenty of time for all of that tonight. In the meantime, I want to rent some jet skis or swim with some dolphins or-" "Beddddd," he whines, cutting you off. He grabs your wrist, pulling you down onto the bed, landing with a thud on top of him. He wraps his arms around you in a bear hug, trapping you there. You're not one to resist his bear hugs, and you willingly melt into his arms. Zayn gets what he wants afterall and you end up spending the whole day in the hotel room.

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