First time.

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It's dirty ;) be warned.

Imagine #40 Your First Time (Requested. Mature)

Harry: You were waiting in Harry and Louis' flat for Harry to come home. Tonight you planned something special. Tonight you were going to loose your virginity to your beautiful boyfriend Harry. Harry was in no rush for you too to have sex. But you couldn't resist any longer. Harry had already lost his virginity. But you didn't mind. You were waiting eagerly for Harry to come home. Louis promised he would be out with Eleanor so Harry and you could have your magical moment. You are waiting on the lounge staring at the clock while drinking some Twining's English Breakfast Tea, knowing when Harry was going to be home. You stand up and walk over to the window and look out for him. You see a familiar black Range Rover drive through the complex gates. Harry is home! You smile out the window as you see Harry pull up. You go back and sit on the lounge. Harry unlocks the door and walks in with a smile on his face. "Harry!" you happily say while running up towards him. You give Harry a huge hug. "I made you tea. Come sit" you say to him. You and Harry walk over to the lounge. You both sit down and just stare at each other. Harry leans in and begins to kiss you slowly. Locking lips with you. You're loving it. You lean back still kissing Harry. Harry is leaning over your body kissing you so passionately. He lifts you up bridal style and carries you off to the bedroom. You lays you down gently on the bed. He looks down at you with sweet but lustful eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this!? If you're still not ready we can do this another time" Harry asks concerned. "No, I want to do this" you say. Harry slides his fingers inbetween the waistband and kisses your belly. You twitch with pure pleasure. Harry slides your pants all the way off. He straddles over you. You sit up and begin to kiss Harry again. While you too were kissing, he takes your top off and unhooks the bra in one motion. You begin to undo Harry's pants and slide them off him. Harry slips his shirt off them continues to kiss you. Clothes flying across the room. You begin to slip your undies off and throw them across the room. Harry strips his boxers off. You looks into your eyes and lays a soft kiss on you. "Are you positive you want to do this (Y/N)!? We do not have to do it tonight". "Harry, believe me when I say that I am ready". Harry kisses your forehead and lays you down. "I won't hurt you. I promise" Harry says. Harry bent your knees up and spread them apart. You took a deep breath. Your heart was pounding into your chest. "Ready!?" Harry says. You nodded. "Just say the word and I'll stop. Don't let me hurt you" Harry says. Harry positioned himself and slowly entered inside you. You bit down on your bottom lip because at first it was painful. Harry looks up at you to make sure you were alright. "You okay!?" "Yep" you reassure him. Harry is slowly gliding into you making sure he kept his promise and didn't hurt you. You're legs were wrapped around Harry's body. You are feeling intense pleasure and wanted more. "I'm going to go alittle deeper. Are you okay with that!?" Harry asks. "Please! Go right ahead!" you insisted. Harry gently pressed his forehead on yours going deeper and harder. "Oh! Oh! Oh my god! Uh. Oh Harry!" you moan. "I'm going to get abit faster okay!?" Harry says. "Okay" you respond. Now you're getting somewhere. Harry was resting his head on your collarbone. His curls tickling your neck. Groans both coming out of each others mouths. You're both about to climax. "H-Harry! I think It's going to happen!" you say. "I'm close too Sweetheart" Harry says. Before you knew it, you both climaxed together. You had a tingling vibrating feeling all over your body. Harry pulls out and flops beside you. You curl into him and cuddle him. Harry puts his arm around you and brings you closer. "Thank you Harry. That was amazing. I love you so much". "I love you too (Y/N)" Harry says kissing you softly on the lips.
Louis: You and Louis are passionately making out on the lounge. Attacking your lips with such force. You haven't told Louis you were a Virgin. You didn't really need to. Things were getting very heated between you and Louis. If it was going to turn into sex, then, you would have to tell him. Just how!? When you feel ready you'll tell him. Louis' hands are sliding down yours. You let out a whimper. "My, my aren't we excited" Louis says. "Oh stop it Lou" you say. Louis goes back to kissing you passionately. Louis slides his hand down your pants. Your foot twitches. Louis looks at you abit concerned. "Are you sure you want to do this (Y/N)!?" he asks. "Yeah, but" you say. Louis cuts in and says "But what!? Whats wrong!?" "I better let you know now. I've never actually, had sex before". Louis looks at you abit confused. "Someone as pretty as sure would of surely had sex" he says. "I haven't" you say back. "Look, we don't have to do this now." Louis says. "No Louis. I'm ready. It's time" you say to him. "I'll be extra gentle for you" Louis says. "Thank you Louis. You're the best". Louis takes your hand and walks off to the bedroom. Louis kisses you while taking your top off. "No bra!?" he asks. "Didn't feel like wearing one today" you say back. "Frisky" Louis says. You take Louis' top off. Louis kisses your chest making you tingle. "My my!" you say. You take your panties off and throw them to the side and stand there with your arms around your tummy. Louis is taking his pants off, slowly but surely. Louis looks over at you. "My word, you have a superb body" he says. You blush and smile at the ground. Louis has already had sex before, so he knows what hes doing. "We will do a position everyone first starts off with. Lay down for me please on your back" Louis says. You lay down on your back. Louis bends your knees up and and spreads them apart. "Just leave them like this for now and when we actually do it you can decide where you're comfortable" he explains. You lay still and let out a sigh. Louis is leaning ontop of you now. He kisses your forehead. You clench your hands and your heart is pounding. "Ready babe!?" Louis asks. "Yes. Proceed". Louis is at your entrance. "But before I go in. Let me know if it hurts too much cause then I'll pull out" he says. "Okay" you say back. You gripped tight on the sheets. Louis looks at you with lustful but worried eyes. "Ready!?" he asks. You bite your bottom lip and nod. Louis slowly enters you. You open your mouth in pain letting out a small whimper. Louis looks back at you, "Are you okay!? Am I hurting you!?" he asks. "No no! Well, a little bit but please keep going" you say to him. Louis wants to go faster, but hes going a pace he wouldn't hurt you. You didn't want to disappoint Louis. "You can start going abit faster" you tell him. "Only if you're sure" he says back. "Positive". Louis starts picking up the pace. Pain turning into absolute pleasure. You grip your hands on the bed. "Uh! Uh! Oh my god!" you moan. Louis looks at you and smiles. He rests his head on your check and thrusts deep, and moderately fast. "Okay Lou. I'm ready. Full speed" you say. Louis looks at you and you give him a smile "As you wish" he tells you. Louis is now giving you his all. Your hands trying to grip on the slippery sheets. "Oh! Louis! I-I I think I'm gonna!" you say to him. "Hang on babe" Louis says. "Lou I can't hold it in any longer!" you cry. You and Louis both climaxed together. Perfect timing. "Thank you Lou. You were so gentle. I love you" you say. "I love you too babe" he tells you. Louis flops off you and lays beside you. Louis rolls over to spoon you. Both still panting. "Best day ever".
Liam: You watched as Liam entered the door. "Hi honey!" he says to you. "Hi!" you say back. "I'm going to go take a shower so I'm nice and clean for you. I'll be right out" Liam says to you. "Okay love. Take your time". Liam strips off and heads into the shower. You lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling. This was it. You were finally going to loose your virginity. You waited for the perfect person. Liam couldn't be anymore perfect. You hear the shower turn off. You sit up on the edge of the bed fiddling with your thumbs. Liam walks out with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He looks over at you and smiles. You begin to take your top off letting Liam know you're ready. Liam walks over to you and kisses your neck softly. Leaving wet kisses everywhere. He unhooks your bra in one swift move. Liam was already naked under the towel. Liam finds the waistband of your tracksuit. He tugs down and slowly takes them off. Until you're in your undies only. Liam straddles you and leans over. "(Y/N). We don't have to do this you know!? We can do it another time. I'm in no rush" Liam tells you. Liam isn't a virgin anymore. "No Liam. I want to do this. I'm ready. I waited long enough. I found the right person. I'm ready for this Liam" you say smiling. Liam kisses you softly. He moves his way down to your downstairs area. He hops off the bed and slowly takes your panties off. He gets back on the bed and straddles your hips. "Are you sure you are ready for this (Y/N)!?" "Yes Liam." you say back running your fingers through his hair. Liam begins to position himself. "You need to tell me if it hurts cause I don't want to hurt you okay!? If It hurts, I'll pull out and we can do it another time" Liam tells you. "Okay" you tell him. Liam starts to slide into you. You bite your lip and let out an uncomfortable moan. Liam immediately looks at you and says "Are you okay!? Do you want me to pull out!? We can stop!?". "No, no. Keep going. I want to do this. Please" you beg. Liam keeps going all the way. Your fingers clawing into his skin. Liam starts to gently thrust so he wouldn't hurt you. "Is it hurting!?" "No Liam". "I'm going to go a bit harder now. Is that alright!?" Liam asks. "Yes. Go right ahead". Liam starts to thrust harder and deeper into you. Your pleasure is sinking back to pain. You didn't want to tell Liam. You didn't want to ruin this. You let out an uncomfortable squeak due to pain. Liam immediately turns to look up at you. You have tear-filled eyes. Liam flops off of you immediately. "Are you okay!? I told you to tell me if it hurt darling!" Liam says. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to ruin this moment" you say back. "Darling no! We'll do it some other night it's okay" "No Liam. Lets try this again!?" "Not tonight" "Liam please". Liam looks into your eyes and he couldn't resist. Liam is supporting your neck as you lay back down. "Ready!?" he says. "Yes". He starts again. You're feeling more comfortable now. Liam is finding a rhythm that was comfortable for you. Moans both escape your mouth as you pull on Liam's hair. "Oh! Uh! Uh!" you say. This was pleasure moaning. "L-L-Liam I-I think it's going to h-h-happen!" you try to say. "Alright love. Hang on. I'm almost there!" Liam tells you. You're trying to hold it in. 5 seconds later you both orgasmed at the same time. "Feels like ecstasy" you say. Liam leans over and kisses your forehead. "Are you okay!?" he asks. "Couldn't be better. I love you Liam" "I love you too (Y/N).
Zayn: You and Zayn are walking hand in hand down back to the flat. You both enter the complex gates and head up to the front entrance. Zayn gets out a cigarette and lights it up. You didn't mind. Zayn wraps his arm around your chest and brings you closer. "I can't wait til I'm done here" he says. You and Zayn had planned for this day for awhile. Zayn isn't a virgin anymore. How could he not be. But you were. He didn't mind though. Zayn is seductively puffing away on his cigarette. "Normally, this is a major turn off. But with you Zayn, it's really turning me on" you say to him. "Well I'm glad" he says back. You walk in to hug him tight. "I love you Zayn" you tell him. "I love you too pumpkin" he says back. Zayn finishes his cigarette and takes your hand and walks inside. You reach your flat and immediately start kissing outside the front door. The taste of cigarette waves through your mouth. You push back on the door as Zayn opens it, kicking it closed behind him. You lean against the kitchen counter and start making your way to the bedroom. Zayn picks you up with your legs wrapped around his waist. He kicks the bedroom door open and gently lays you on the bed. You grab Zayn's shirt and start taking it off only breaking the kiss for a second. You rub up and down his abs admiring them. Zayn takes your shirt off and flicks your bra off within seconds. Zayn is slowly moving his pants that were already half way off, fully off. He tugs at your pants and pulls them right off. "I like what I see" you tell Zayn. Zayn gives you a seductive smile and begins kissing your neck. You feel his hard bulge against your tummy. You are aroused by the intoxicating smell of cigarettes and cologne. You tug on the hem of Zayn's Calvin Klein underwear. Zayn is sliding them off and begins to slide yours off. Things are moving quickly, but he didn't forget. "You know we don't have to do this if you don't want too" he says. "I want to" you say back. "Are you sure you're ready!?" he asks. "Absolutely. I'm ready" you say back. Zayn positions himself, his tip is at your entrance. "If It hurts, let me know and I'll stop okay!? I'll go gentle" Zayn says. "Thank you" you say while laying a kiss on him. You hold onto Zayn's shoulders, Zayn is sliding into you. You're biting down hard on your bottom lip while digging your nails into Zayn's shoulders. Once Zayn had fully entered, he looks at you. "You okay!?" he asks. "Yep, It just hurt alittle bit but I should be okay now" you tell him. Zayn smiles and kisses your neck softly while thrusting into you deeply, but gently. The pleasure vibrates throughout your body. You let out moans because this was just perfect. "Uh! Uh! Zayn! Uh!" you moan. "How you feeling babe!?" He asks. "Great. Harder please. Go harder" you demand. Zayn obliges and does deeper and harder thrusts. The pleasure is definitely over powering any pain. "Uh! Zayn! I think it's going to happen! I think! Uh! I! Uh!" you tried to say. "I'm close too baby." Zayn says. You wrap your arms around Zayn's neck and feel the climax climb. It happened. You too both climaxed together. Zayn had his fists firm on the bed so he didn't hurt your shoulders. You're feeling so weak. "That. Was. Amazing." you manage to get out through your panting. "Glad you liked it" Zayn says back. You roll over to face Zayn. "Zayn, I love you so much" "I love you too. I'm proud of you".
Niall: You and Niall are passionately making out on the bed. His lips intertwined with yours. He hands meet yours. Niall is on top of you. Niall begins to undo his belt buckle, you push him off and sit up immediately. "(Y/N). Whats wrong!? Did I do something wrong!?" Niall asks confused. "Oh! No no! You didn't do anything, its just.." "Just what!?" Niall asks. "I'm a virgin Niall. I've never had sex before. I'm so nervous, but I'm ready and I want to do it now" you tell him. Niall is a little shocked but very empathetic. "It's okay babe. Thats okay. Doesn't matter if you are or not" he says. "You're so sweet" you tell him. "I'd like to have sex now" you tell him. "Okay" he says in no hesitation. "Only if you're ready", "I'm ready". Niall begins to take his pants all of the way off and throws them away. Niall's top was already off. You're rubbing up and down his biceps admiring them. You throw your arms up and Niall begins to take your shirt off. He leans in and kisses your neck softly leaving a trail of wet kisses. He undoes your bra and throws it across the room. He puts his arms around you, moves your hair back and lays you down while still kissing you. "I love you so much" Niall tells you. It was very comforting. Niall pulls your undies down and flings them across the room. Niall puts a firm grip on your crotch. You whimper alittle. Niall gives you a devilish smile. He leans over to kiss you. You can feel his expanding length against your crotch. You're so aroused. Niall takes off his boxers and flings them off. He looks down at you and kisses your forehead. "Ready!?" Niall asks. "Absolutely" you say back. "If I hurt you, I'm so sorry. Let me know and I'll pull out straight away okay!? It will hurt at first but I promise it will get better" he says. "I trust you Niall" you say back. "Okay, hold tight" Niall says. You get a good grip on the bed sheets as Niall slowly enters you. You put one hand over your mouth so you wouldn't make a sound. Niall looks at you. "Are you alright!?" he asks. "Yes, that hurt alittle bit but I'm okay". "Okay, I'll go slow and hopefully it won't hurt as much" Niall says. Niall begins to thrust and pound gently into you. You quite liked this. Pain turned into pleasure. The pleasure drowned out any pain.You wrap around arm around Niall's neck. He leans his head into your collarbone. "Alittle harder" you tell him. "Are you sure!?" Niall double checks. "Please" you say. Niall goes harder and deeper into you. It was getting intense. In a good way. You're gripping onto Niall's hair trying not to rip any out. "Harder please Niall. Harder" you beg. Niall goes harder and more faster then before. You grab hold of his biceps and grip tightly onto them. "You're about to come aren't you!?" Niall asks. "Yes! I think so!" you say. Niall picked up the pace without hurting you. "Niall! I'm so close!" you tell him. "I know sweetheart. Me too" he tells you. You lay your head back and close your eyes. Niall can feel your tightening up around him. You and Niall let out a loud moan as you both hit your climax together. Niall looks down at you with lustful eyes. You stare back at him and smile. "Thank you so much Niall. You were gentle and hard at the same time" you say. "It's okay babe. Anything to keep you happy and unhurt" he says. "I love you Niall James Horan. Thanks for the best time ever" "You're most welcome my beautiful girl. I loved it"

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