~Your Couple cute moments~Liam

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Liam was doing a twitcam, no surprise there. "Where is [Y/N]? I actually don't know where she is, she said she wanted cookies but that was when I started this ..." At that moment, you walked in, handing him a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. "Do you guys remember the cookie man?! Well, this is my cookie lady, say hi!" Soon, everyone was saying hello to you, making you smile as you chomped on a cookie. Out of habit, you broke a piece off and fed it to Liam, who kindly took it with his lips from your fingers, kissing your cheek. You stared at each other for a moment when the sweet, slow song that was on changed to an up beat, fast tempo one. You broke the gaze, dancing and emphasizing the song with your hands. Liam laughed, doing the same as both of you lip synced to the song, goofing off and laughing. When it finished you guys read the questions. "Liam and [Y/N] are soooo adorable. Perfect couple." You read, blushing and leaning your head on Liam. "Thank you, but he is the perfect one here." Liam read another. "You two are adorable! We all saw the way you looked at each other that's love right there!" He smiled and rubbed his nose against yours. You laughed, causing him to giggle with you. "Yes it is! Thank you, she means more than anything to me." He nodded, picking up another cookie and sharing it with you. Later that night #CookieLady, #LiamAnd[Y/N]ArePerfect, and #LovestruckLiam were all trending topics. You smiled, knowing you just gained respect from a lot of people.

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