~School's STRESSING you out~LOUIS

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You let out a frustrated groan and slam a stack of papers down on the table. This gains Louis' attention and he looks across the open-floor plan living area at you. The entire kitchen table is covered in an array of papers piled up in an attempt at organization. "I take it things are going well?" he asks you weakly. "I'm never gonna get this done on time," you wail, feeling the tears prick your eyes. "I just can't do it! Why did I wait until the last minute AGAIN?" you carry on, now losing composure and cracking under the stress. Louis doesn't think twice about dropping the remote to the TV and moving to be by your side. "Hey, hey, relax. Take a breath. You'll get this done, I know you will. Is there anything I can do to help?" he tries to soothe. You shake your head to imply that there isn't and he wraps you into a hug. After taking a couple minutes to let it out, you take a deep breath and re-evaluate everything in front of you. Soon, you find your rhythm and are able to efficiently put all of your work into your portfolio, leaving nothing but one very professional-looking binder full of all your work, ready to be submitted for your final grade. Louis grins proudly as you show off the finished product, and you give him a sweet kiss on the lips in thanks, knowing you wouldn't have gotten it done without a complete breakdown if it hadn't been for his support.

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