~Someone sees a Dirty text~Liam

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'At Victoria's Secret. What do you think? (;' is what your text to Liam reads. You send Liam a picture of you in the sexy new lingerie you bought today, because you know how much he's been missing you. He's made it very clear. What you bought is a sheer red bra and matching undies that compliment your skin tone perfectly, and you know red is Liam's favorite color on you. You smile to yourself imagining the look on his face when he sees it. About thirty minutes later, you get a call from Liam. "Hi babe!" you answer cheerfully. "Umm, (Y/N)..." Liam's voice is shaky and nervous. "...Yeah?" you ask after a short pause. "Well, I was actually in the shower when you sent that, and, umm, I sort of had Louis open the text for me..." he jerks out embarrassedly. "Oh God..." you moan even more embarrassed. "So, Louis saw," you say as more of a statement than a question. "Don't worry, (Y/N), it looked lovely!" you hear Louis shout from the background. "Thanks," you mutter shamefully. You hang up the phone then. That's the last time you'll be sending any pictures.

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